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The hotel room smelled of mildew and mold, the AC unit dripping into a puddle on the floor next to the small pine desk. The sun filtering through the crack in the curtains. The digital clock bolted to the bedside table ticked minutely as the displayed changed. Grasping the phone, bringing the illuminated screen to her face did she see the array of notifications spanning multiple applications. She saw Kelley's text first when her facial recognition opened her phone. The text was a jumble of nonsense having been sent at two thirty in the morning. She choose to not respond swiping through the twitter DM's. All of them being non sense, people she didn't know swiping up on her recent story about the Uzbekistan game. Digging through her email she caught sight of a few from teams overseas, most denying her an opportunity, while she was locked on visiting arsenal she also knew the chance of it falling through was more than zero so keeping options opened would be needed. The clock in the corner of her screen read just past nine in the morning. 

Pulling the spare bag of clothes from the floor she dressed in clean linens before grabbing her keys, gathering her items quickly she departed from the room stopping by the desk to check out. Offering well wishes as she walked towards the door, she would nee to speak to her principal sooner or later to see if they offered early graduation so she could head over seas with a diploma. Tossing her bags into the backseat. Starting the vehicle she shot Kelley a quick text that she was heading to her school to figure things out regarding her academics as well as attending practice. Setting her GPS to her school, wandering through town before merging onto I-95, traveling down the large expanse of highway, shifting seamlessly through traffic as she listened to the directions giving by the automated voice. 

Pulling into her painted spot, throwing the car into park, pulling the keys from the ignition. Gathering the sparse school bag from her back row. Stalking around the building to the front office. A new measure taken to limit the threat of another school shooting. Georgia hadn't had one since 1999 when Rockdale county was targeted, 6 students left with holes larger then just bullets. It was a 3 minute walk from her car to locked double doors where she would have to be buzzed in but it was supposed to limit the chances of a gunmen on campus so she limited her complaints. Pulling her student ID from her pocket as she approached the thick doors covered with the mountaineers logo. Tapping the silver button- waiting for the buzz of the unlocking of the doors. Walking into the entry way she took a left to the front desk walking through one set of doors scanning her student card before the second set of doors opened in front of her. 

"Who are you here to see?" A younger lady, no more then 25 years of age sat perched on a worn grey office chair, thick plexi glass separated us. She clicked through her computer awaiting for a response. 

Clearing my throat and taking an unsteady step forward. "I need to see Principal Grey."

"Why?" She questions sharply tapping loudly on the plastic keyboard.

"In regards to early graduations." I mumble fidgeting with my ID

"And on who's part are you asking for?"

"My part ma'am. Corey Demarcus."

"Are you a student here?" She retorts clicking through two more windows on her monitor. 

"Yes Ma'am." Handing her over the laminated identification card clad with my photo and homeroom on it. 

"What is your student number?"


"It seems here you are not permitted to be on campus before 7th period." I nod knowingly. Another measure taken to stop the chance of an attack happening. 

"Yes ma'am. I know but I need to see the principal so I can notify my future employer regarding my diploma." I lie not wanting to have to kill more time then necessary. 

"I can see if he is busy, Have you talked to your councilor about other options?"

"No ma'am, I didn't really have the chance too."

"Before you can talk to principal grey you will need to see mrs. Hannner."

"Okay can I meet with her?"

"She is out of the office today."

"Who can I talk to as this is time sensitive."

"I'm sorry you are going to need to set up an appointment online to meet with your councilor who will then refer you to Mrs. Hanner who will then set up an appointment with Principal Grey." As she finishes her spiel Principal grey stalks into the office, grey travel mug in hand. 

"Hey Corey how are you doing?" He questions sweetly.

"I'm good, I was wondering if you had a quick minute to speak?" I question watching as the secretary becomes enraged.

"Yeah I have a minute." He opens the door for me and leads me down two hallways before pulling me into his office."

"How can I go about graduating early?" I question slipping my student ID into my wallet behind my license. 

"You are only enrolled into one class so if you can take the exam early and pass there is no reason to prolong your stay here."

"Okay. I can do that. Can I schedule that after the conclusion of this season?"

"Yeah it'll take probably three months for us to get the test and the scantron."

"I can deal with that."

"Well then I'll meet you in about a month or two when I get an answer back regarding the exam."

"Thank you sir. Have a great day."

"You as well. Now get off campus before the SRO has to write you up." I nod thanking him once more before heading out the doors and making the long trek to my car. I head to the gas station to pick up my usual before making my way to a diner around the corner to eat and kill off sometime. I order my usual before pulling out my phone and responding to more emails. Most of them being emails of other tech companies wanting me to advise them or sit on their board. I turn them down wanting to get away from the tech industry. The other half of the messages were teams and colleges redacting offer or turning down my advancements. The Jonas had sent me an email regarding everything that would happen once I land in London. I send a short thank you email making sure to archive his with needed information. The hours tick by as I order another sweet tea and scroll through film. 

My one and only period fly by as the minutes tick down to practice. We played a two hour long scrimmage against the boys team before calling it quits. We both had a game tomorrow with a team we've never faced before. Showering at the school I grab my soiled gear and head towards Kelley's house. Shooting her a text to see if she has company. She responds that she is staying at her sisters for the evening. I send a heart before making the long haul home. The drivee home starts to fly by as I settle into a podcast. Pulling into Kelley's complex I take note of her missing car and head into her flat. Starting a load of laundry and popping a microwave burrito into the microwave flipping the TV onto reruns of jeopardy. Settling in for the night on the thick leather couch. 


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