Chapter 5

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The next morning, Chuuya came across Oda when he was going to the boss' office. He merely nodded to him as he walked pass. Then Oda called out to him. ''Chuuya-kun ,'' Chuuya turned around. ''Juz in case you don't know, Dazai's staying in my place for a couple of days ,'' Chuuya looked down and nodded. ''Was he... with you last night ?'' Oda nodded.

''... how was he ?'' Oda could sense hesitation in his words. ''... not good, I've never seen him drunk, neither have I seen him looking so down ,'' After hearing his words, Chuuya felt like something clutched his heart. Then a flashback came across Oda's mind. He knew it wasn't exactly appropriate to ask, but he was concerned for his friend. ''Chuuya-kun, are you two alright ?''

The unpleasant sensation in Chuuya's heart grew worse. He remained silent, just staring at the floor.


''Chuuya-kun, where's Dazai-kun? I've got a job for Soukoku ,'' Mori did call Dazai to meet him in the office, but there wasn't any other people present besides Chuuya. Chuuya hesitated for a while. Right when he was going to tell the boss that Dazai probably wouldn't show up, someone came in.

Dazai ?

He didn't expect for him to show up for work. But one thing was expected. Dazai didn't look at him at all, he just listened to the boss' instructions in silence.

Throughout the entire operation, Chuuya unintentionally glanced at Dazai multiple times, but the brunet didn't look at him, not even once, not even a quick glance. He remained quiet the whole time, only speaking when necessary. Chuuya couldn't say that he didn't expect that, but still, he felt disappointed at his coldness. He missed it when they retorted and laughed during missions. On their way back, he stared at the back of the brunet.

Will things ever go back to before ?

Then on the inside he laughed at himself as he realized the irony.

Go back to before ? Do I seriously expect that when I'm the one who did all this ?


Chuuya was lying in bed, staring at the empty bed side beside him. It has been days, Dazai still hasn't come back. But every time Chuuya came home after work, some of Dazai's belongings would be no where to be found. It seemed that Dazai came back and took them when he wasn't at home.

Chuuya barely got any sleep these days. Happy memories kept playing in his head, reminding him of the cruel truth that they were all only in the past. He caressed the empty space, where Dazai would lay at and accompany him at night.

... will you ever come back... ?

The image of Dazai after he wrongly accused him of murdering Hiko flashed across Chuuya's mind. Water dripped onto his pillow. It was his tears. Chuuya cried. He could hold in no more. It hurt to think of the past, the past where they were happy, where they shared countless days with each other.

Please... please give me a chance...

It felt silly. Like a demon praying to god to let him pass through the gates to heaven.


Oda was on a job with Dazai. They were battling with the enemy. The walls surrounding them were lighted up by the firing AK-47s. As usual, Dazai didn't bring his gun, he fought using one of his subordinate's. Deadly bullets cut through the air and into the walls everywhere. Some of the mafia men were already injured.

It was a hard fight. The number of enemies were more than informed, but that was predicted. Gunshots blared through the alley, along with yelling and grunting of the fighting men. Eventually, it ceased. Many men lied on the ground, dead. Blood was all around the place, the air reeked of the scent of firearms.

''That was tough ,'' Oda said while he wiped the blood on his cheek, where a bullet grazed before. Dazai nodded in silence. Then he heard a faint pant coming from not far away, amongst the dead bodies, or so they thought were. One of them was still alive, barely, but he used all the strength he had left and aimed a pistol at Oda.

A deafening gunshot rang in the air, but Oda was okay. He got pushed away at the moment the gun was fired.

''DAZAI !!''


Chuuya had only paperwork to do. He sat at his desk, reading through all the papers scattered on the desk.


Chuuya was having a fever. Dazai tucked him in even if he didn't want to sleep, but Dazai insisted. ''You're not gonna get well if you don't get more rest, stupid. Now shut your eyes and dream ,'' Chuuya eventually gave in. ''Hmm okayy finee ,'' He turned to his side with his eyes closed. Then he remembered something and suddenly turned back to face the brunet sitting on the bedside. ''The paperwork !''

He started kicking his blanket off as he sat up. But Dazai gently pressed him back down by his shoulders. ''Don't worry about the paperwork, I'll find a way to deal with it ,'' ''How ?'' Dazai shrugged. ''I dunno maybe slip them into Ane-san's stack ?'' Chuuya frowned. ''Are you seriously thinking of making my superior do my work ?! I'd be screwed if she ever finds out !''

''I was juz kidding, Chibi. Ughh fine I'll do it ,'' Chuuya couldn't believe what he had just heard. ''What ???'' Dazai got off Chuuya's bed. ''What? Since you're not willing to sleep because of the paperwork I figured I'd do it ,'' Then he crossed his arms and bent down, his face close to Chuuya's. ''But you better be asleep when I come in ,'' Dazai put the blanket back on him. ''Good night, Mackerel ,'' ''Sleep tight ,'' Dazai replied as he tucked a tuft of the chibi's hair behind his ear.


Chuuya smiled.

Slipping my paperwork into my superior's stack huh... silly Mackerel.

Then his phone rang.

Oda ?

He picked it up. ''Oda? Why are you calling m-- wait did anything happen to Dazai ?!'' Oda didn't have any business to do with Chuuya. Although they both were mafia members, they barely had anything to do with each other. ''Chuuya-kun, Dazai got admitted to the hospital ,'' ''What ?!'' Oda sighed lightly. ''A bullet went through his ribs, he lost a lot of blood--'' ''Hold on I'm coming ,''

Chuuya grabbed his coat and walked towards the door. Then he slowed down and eventually stopped. ''... Chuuya-kun... '' Chuuya's shoulders sagged as he looked down to the floor. ''Right... I don't think he wants to see me ,'' Oda hesitated. ''...I'm not sure ,'' Chuuya put down his coat. ''Oda, can you take care of him for me ?'' ''Yeah, of course, don't worry ,'' ''Thanks ,'' He hung up.

Then Chuuya punched the wall beside him. His fist dripped blood. He hated this feeling, he felt helpless. Ever since that day, nothing got better between them two. Aside from work, he hasn't seen the brunet for almost a week. He was good in fighting and crushing his enemies, but dealing with stuff like this wasn't something he knew how to. He wanted to apologize, but he knew Dazai wouldn't want to see him. So he waited for him to reach out to him, or come back home, but will he ever come back to him ?

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