After spending a hour at the park Aerith and her friends walked home, not known that they were being watched by a Vampire,
Aerith and her friends stop walking, because they heard a noise, they looked around.
"What was that?" Yuna asked.
"I don't know." Selphie said.
"Someone is watching us." Aerith said.
"Who?" Yuffie asked.
"It must be a Vampire." Lulu guessed.
"Sephiroth!" Aerith said as she looks at the tree where Sephiroth was hiding at.
"Damn!" Sephiroth thought to his self. He then comes out of his hiding place and was standing in front of Aerith, Yuna, Selphie, Yuffie and Lulu. "How did you know it was me?"
"I had a feeling, it was you," Aerith answered him. "What do you want Sephiroth?"
"Your blood, I wasn't done with you last night."
"Didn't Cloud tell you not to touch me?" Aerith asked.
"I don't care what Cloud says," Sephiroth growled. "He should've let me eat you all up, but no he had to show up and stop me."
Yuna, Selphie, Yuffie and Lulu were shocked to see a real life Vampire.
Before Aerith could say something Sephiroth grabs her arm and pulls her close to him, he kisses her neck and licks it. "Now hold still, so I can suck your blood." Sephiroth purred, but before he could bite her, he was slap on the head by Cloud who was glaring at him."Sephiroth, what did I tell you about attacking my mate?"
Sephiroth let go of Aerith who was about to fall from feeling dizzy, Cloud catches her, before she hits the ground and continues to glared at Sephiroth who was backing away.
Aerith's friends were shocked to see another Vampire here, this Vampire looked friendly, they now knew that this friendly Vampire was Cloud, they watched as Cloud hugged Aerith close to him while she sobs. "Shhhh it's alright Aerith, I'm here now."
"I know," She smiles at him and hugs him back. "You saved me again, my hero."
"I'm glad, I'm not to late,"
"Thank you, Cloud."
"You're welcome Aerith."
Cloud let go of Aerith and stands up and walks towards Sephiroth who looked scared, Cloud grabs Sephiroth by his neck.
"I should really kill you for trying to attack my mate again."
"But, I didn't bite her." Sephiroth said.
"I know, but you try to," Cloud then pins Sephiroth against the tree. "If I ever see you near my Aerith again, I'll kill you! This is my last warning. Do I make myself clear?"
"Good now get out of here, before I change my mind." Cloud then let go of Sephiroth who ran off.
Cloud looked over and smiles at the girls. "Hello, ladies."
"Cloud, these are my friends Yuna, Selphie, Yuffie and Lulu."
"Nice to meet you Ladies."
"It's nice to meet you too, Cloud." Yuna smiled. While Selphie, Yuffie and Lulu smiled at him.
"Yes, Aerith?"
"I love you."
"I love you too, Aerith."
"We're going to head home now, it was nice meeting you, Cloud." Selphie said.
"It was nice meeting you, Ladies as well." Cloud said with a smile on his face.
Yuna, Selphie, Yuffie and Lulu smiled back at him and left, leaving Cloud and Aerith alone.
"I won't let Sephiroth hurt you."
"I know you won't."
"I'll protect you, Aerith."
"I know."
"I love you, Aerith."
"I love you too. Cloud, I want to become a Vampire."
Cloud smiles and pulls her close to him as he held her in his embrace and kisses her lips and her neck. "I'll change you soon."
"I'am 21 now."
"I'm 21, I'll change you when your 22."
"Sounds good to me."
Cloud decided to take Aerith back to his house to meet Squall, Rinoa, Zack, Tifa, Biggs and Jessie, everyone loved Aerith and welcome her to the family, but they wasn't happy when they heard that Sephiroth wanted to kill her.

Final Fantasy Cloud and Aerith Love Story
RomanceCloud and Aerith Love Story, a Love Story between a Vampire and a Human. Aerith is a Human girl, who falls in love with Cloud who is a Vampire who is very good looking and friendly, they found true love in each other, they found their soulmates in e...