part: 43

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song: i feel it coming - the weeknd

i can't remember if ive done this song already or not. if have... oops

3rd pov

y/n gasped and shot up from his bed, panting. he looked around him and realized that he wasn't back at the hydra base. it was just a dream.

he let his head fall into his hands and sighed. he rubbed his eyes and then pulled his hands away, putting them behind him so he could lean back on them.

he looked to the side and saw loki laying beside him, fast asleep. his chest rose and fell rhythmically, light snores escaping his lips.

y/n admired his face as the moonlight highlighted all of his features. y/n laid back down onto his side so that he could still look at loki.

he lifted his hand up and gently brushed stray hairs out of loki's face, and then traced his cheekbone with his thumb.

loki's eyebrow twitched and y/n pulled his hand away, not wanting to wake up loki.

he let his hand fall in front of him again and he scooted closer to loki so that there was barely an inch between them.

y/n adjusted himself so that he was laying on his stomach and gently laid his arm along loki's chest.

y/n's eyes finally fluttered closed, and just as he was about to fall asleep he felt loki move.

he cracked his eye open just a bit and saw that loki had woken up. loki turned his head to look at y/n, who had quickly shut his eye again.

loki seemed to stare at y/n for awhile before he turned to lay on his side. y/n felt arms wrap around him and pull him closer.

he felt loki kiss his forehead and the tip of his nose. loki peppered light kisses all over his face and he couldn't help but smile.

he opened his eyes and saw loki's staring back at him.

"did you know i was awake?" y/n whispered.

"yes, you breathe different when you're awake," loki said.

"that's kind of creepy, loki," y/n said, laughing a little bit.

"it's true," loki said, shrugging.

"does that mean you watch me sleep so often that you're able to differentiate between when i'm awake and asleep just by my breathing?" y/n asked.

loki raised his eyebrows in thought. "well, yes. your breathing is only one of the many tells you have."

"like what?" y/n asked, leaning into loki more.

"you snore."

y/n groaned and rolled out of loki's arms, burying his face into a pillow to hide it. loki laughed lightly and rolled over so that he was laying half way on top of y/n.

"don't be embarrassed, i think it's adorable," loki said, kissing y/n's head.

"it's humiliating," y/n said, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"you asked," loki said. not even a second later his face was met with a pillow. he grunted and rolled off of y/n.

loki grabbed his own pillow and hurled it towards y/n's face.

y/n fell backwards, but unfortunately for him there wasn't any bed to catch him. he got tangled in the blankets, prohibiting him from saving himself.

he hit the floor with a thump and loki cackled. when y/n didn't get back up, loki's smile disappeared. he crawled over to the edge of the bed and looked over. y/n was laying unconscious on the floor.

"y/n!" he whisper shouted, jumping down from the bed and beside y/n. he pulled y/n into his lap, and looked down at him.

he lightly patted y/n's cheeks and called out his name, not recieveing a response.
then y/n smiled.

his eyes shot open and he sat up from loki's lap, wrapping his arms around loki's waist.

he stood up, carrying loki. loki grasped at y/n's shirt desperately, not having expected to be picked up.

"y/n! put me down you absolute baffoon!" loki shouted, still half in shock and half angry that y/n tricked him and made him worry.

y/n only cackled evilly, and jumped onto to the bed, body slamming loki into it.

loki grunted from the force, and was about to flip y/n over when he heard something crack under the bed.

the bed suddenly fell and both loki and y/n grunted in surprise. they stared at each other in shock, still trying to register what just happened.


tony stood beside the two gods as he stared at the bed. two of the legs had snapped and the bed was now laying slanted. tony sighed and crossed his arms, rubbing his beard.

"what did you guys do that broke the bed?" tony asked.

y/n opened his mouth to speak, but tony put his hand up.

"wait. i actually don't wan't to know," tony said.

"all we did was jump on it," y/n mumbled.

tony's mouth fell open and loki shook his head ferociously.

"there is no 'we' about it! you tackled me onto the bed," loki said, pointing an accusatory finger at y/n.

"you're the one who pushed me off first! i was just getting back at you," y/n argued, folding his arms.

"you threw a pillow at my face. you started it," loki retorted back, putting his hands on his hips.

"yeah, well you said i snored," y/n said, turning and facing away from loki.

"i said it was cute snoring! it's cute!" loki pleaded, throwing his arms up into the air.

tony just blinked at them. he wondered how two people who were literal gods ended up fighting like children.

y/n turned his head and stared at loki through the corner of his eye. "no."

loki deflated and rolled his eyes.

"if you roll your eyes far enough you might actually find a brain in there," y/n said.

tony let out a cackle and both of them turned to him. he put his hands up and stared them down.

they turned back to each other and glared.

tony silently backed out of the room and left.

y/n stared at loki's puppy eyes and squinted, trying not to fall for them.

he broke and sighed, holding open his arms. loki smiled and walked into y/n's embrace.

"your eyes won't always get you what you want," y/n said, pulling back from the hug to look at loki.

"kiss me?" loki asked, doing the eyes.

y/n rolled his eyes with a smile and leaned forward, connecting their lips.

cute fluffy chapter before i ruin both of their lives ❤️❤️❤️

jk.... unless? nah nah nah really im just joking


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