Chapter 1

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Samantha the alligator lied on top of a branch in a tree. He slept and dreamt about a full sea of spicy bean burritos. He was floating on top of millions of burritos, as he opened his mouth to eat as many as he could. He enjoyed himself.

"Andy relax yourself, we are not going to burn down the entire forest. You worry too much"

Samantha suddenly woke up from his beautiful dream to see where the noise came from. He looked down to the ground to see a fat pregnant woman and a man slowly riding on a four-wheeler. The woman had blond hair, cheap Walmart clothing on, and wore shades. The man behind her was normal weight, wore a brown sweater and jeans. He was visibly worried sick to the bone while the woman riding the four-wheeler was nonchalant. Samantha was annoyed at their existence in the woods.

Samantha thought about why these people came into the woods. He thought maybe it could be revenge for all the times he came too close to humans. He bet his night dream on this thought.

"Karren, you do realize what you doing is stupid right, it could massively harm the environment, we could get arrested for this. Please don't do this." Andy pleads.

"Man, up Andy! This is going to be a massive success for our family." Karren took a silent breath, "And my Facebook account of course."

"Please don't do this, your actions have consequences of the federal degree." Karren ignored Andy's words.

Samantha found the exchange quite interesting. Samantha thought about what exactly the man was talking about in terms of consequence. He has been punished before by simply existing, but these people put him off with a weird color. He decided to follow them. He walked among the tree branches to catch up to them.

"Not everything revolves around your account. Please let me help you. I really love you, but you are not paying much attention to our marriage. You spending all your time on the phone with hopes of becoming internet famous. It's not going to work out."

"I only do it for us, Andy. If we become famous, we will get attention and sponsorships and money!"

"That's highly unlikely. You are way over your head"

"But it's likely with my personality"

"You mean treating me like dirt, abusing me with your lack of responsibility, being an abustle child, and leaving the house a mess"

"Shut up Andy before I hit you again"

Andy was silent while Karren rode along with the dirt and roots of the trees around.

Samantha thought about what Andy was talking about exactly. This talk of concern and abuse heightened his curiosity about this man. Samantha found himself relating to the man. Samantha felt bald for the man, he saw his fear when confronted by the woman. Samantha was no longer annoyed by the man's existence. The man reminded him a lot about when he first got screamed at for the very first time by humans. He was scared back then, but only got used to it by now. Samantha kept following them.

The four-wheeler came to stop in the middle of open space with trees surrounding the space. Karren took a look around the area and declared it good enough for her. She then whistled loudly into the air. Soon, Samantha witness multiple other people riding four-wheelers driving into the open space from all directions of the forest. Samantha also noticed that some of these four-wheelers were dragging a wagon behind them with big boxes on top. Soon the other people met up with Karren and Andy and got off their four-wheelers and lift the boxes off their wagons.  

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