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*Before you begin, please note that this is only a seven-chapter sample of my book, Alpha Jax. The full book is available for purchase on Amazon Kindle.* 



"Earth to Quinn!" My friend Kyla's voice slips into my daydream, startling me back to reality.

"Huh?" I swivel my head around to face her, blinking, as she sets two frothy pint glasses of beer in front of me on the bar top of the brewery where we both work.

"For table six."

"Right," I nod, reaching for the glasses. I pick one up in each hand and start to spin around to head out from behind the bar. Before I can take a step, though, Kyla reaches out to grab my arm, halting me.

"Hey, what's with you today?" she asks, searching my eyes with her dark brown ones. "Having trouble sleeping again?"

I shake my head quickly, my long brunette hair swishing in front of my face. "Nah," I lie, blowing a loose strand out of my field of vision. Kyla's giving me that stern look that says she doesn't believe me, and I heave a sigh in defeat. "Okay, yeah. A little."

I shrug her hand away and turn around to deliver the beers, jumping a little when I feel the smack of the bar towel on my ass.

Kyla waves the towel at me, smirking. "Hurry and drop those off so you can come back and tell me all about it."

I roll my eyes, making my way out from behind the bar. I don't really wanna talk about it, but if I know Kyla, she won't let it rest until I do. We met when I started working at Cedar Ridge Brewery at the beginning of the summer and we've grown really close over the last few months. She's one of my only friends these days- after high school graduation, everyone seemed to have a plan for what to do next. A bunch of my friends went off to summer training camp for the security squad, while others went off to college or settled into new jobs that were waiting for them after high school. But me? I didn't have a clear plan for the next step.

It's not like there are a lot of choices in our little corner of the world. Wolf shifters generally stick with their own kind; stay close to the pack. Most of us don't venture far from our territories because there's safety in numbers- we all look out for each other. Here, we don't have to hide who we are; being a shifter is as normal as living and breathing. And with the formation of the six-pack alliance several years back, our territory has expanded considerably.

The packs work together to run the businesses on the outskirts of the territory to bring in revenue for the packs. The biggest attractions are Cedar Ridge Ski Lodge and Cedar Ridge Brewery. While the ski resort and lodge are shuttered during the summer months, the brewery is a year-round business, so I was able to pick up a summer job as a waitress.

At least I kept telling myself it was a summer job. Now that summer's coming to an end, I have no idea what my next move is going to be.

Before I graduated, I had a few fleeting thoughts about trying the college thing- but leaving my pack for months on end and integrating with the human population? No thanks. Besides, even if I'd wanted to, I doubt my dad would've allowed it. He's the alpha of our pack and he's always been overprotective of his only daughter.

I also considered going out for the security squad to become a fighter for the six-pack territory, but my boyfriend talked me out of it. If I made it, I'd have to live up at the squad complex, and for some reason he was vehemently opposed to living a twenty-minute drive apart. At the time, I thought it was sweet that he couldn't stand the thought of being away from me. Now, I can see how it was just another way he tried to control me.

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