I tried publishing the book but it was a hassle. But finally. As I was working in the restaurant, one of the town's famous writers. I kept looking at him. He was really handsome. He had black hair, grey eyes and he was tall but I didn't care about him, I just wanted a chance to talk to him. I went to ask for his order and then brought for him the coffee he ordered.
" Am really a new fan of your work" , I said placing the coffee in front of him.
"Wow!, first lady to be a fan of my work" , he said sipping from the glass.
"No one has ever appreciated you of your work or have I understood it wrong?" , I said in shock.
"No one has ever, they only say the really love me like me not what I do" , he said smiling.
"Maybe because you are good looking or something like that" , I said shy.
"You think, he smiled. So which of my books are your favorite" , he said pointing for me to sit.
"I have a lot of work and all these customers, my boss will get furious and I don't want to get fired" , I said extending behind.
"He wouldn't have a problem and if he had, leave him for me".
"Would you fire him from his own restaurant?" , I said joking.
"No just bribe him with money, I know he loves money and so have a sit lady" .
I look around, everyone was staring him, most especially girls. I closed my eyes and sat down.
"So where were we" , he said signaling another waiter to come.
"My favorite book is "The night"" it really touched me, I said.
The waiter, I mean my partner approached us and she looked surprised.
"Lady, sorry, I didn't ask for your name" , he said.
" Am Fella" , I said smiling and looking at Della.
"Fella, nice name, what would you like to have?"
" Oh no, nothing at all, am really fine" , I said.
"No one has ever told me no, bring for Fella, ice cream, if you have chocolate flavor" , he said looking at me.
I looked at him really surprised. His sweetness was too much and high.
"Why did you order chocolate flavor from all the flavors" , I said.
"I read people's minds and I know you love chocolate maybe because I love it too so thought you might as well" .
"That's so thoughtful of you" , I said looking around again.
"So what do you like doing and your hobbies" , he said.
"I love reading books and I too write though have not yet published any" .
" I would really like to read your book, maybe you might work with me".
"That's too much, I like struggling for myself. I have been through a lot and so I have learnt to care for myself" .
" It's not like am helping you but it's just like I like aspiring young writers like you" , he said.
I smiled at him as they brought the ice cream to my front.
"I really want to see your reaction when you taste this" , he said tasting his.
I tasted it. It was really my favorite flavor and I smiled.

Popularity Vs Fame
Non-FictionA girl is murdered in Everglow high school and the only suspects are a popular girl named Fantasia and Milla, a girl famous because of her parents. At the end something shocking is revealed and this murder doesn't seem as it is.