
43 1 9

Alright get your tissues and therapist! This chapter is short and yet so depressing!

Rod didn't know how much of this he could take. Ever since Ricky and him vowed to love eachother forever, it seems their love grew weaker and weaker. Every morning when Rod woke up, he would hope that Ricky would be there to greet him good morning, but he was already off at work. Everytime he wanted to spend some time with Ricky, he was always either too busy or too tired. Rod wasn't even sure how he felt about him anymore. He began to wonder if the vows he had made at the wedding even meant anything to him. He remembered how during the wedding, he kept glancing at Nicky in the audience. The sight of him always brought him hope. It got him to be less nervous about getting married. Now that he WAS married, he no longer wanted to be. Rod would always be losing sleep because of the thoughts going on in his head. The flashbacks of Ricky yelling and abusing him whenever he did something that he didn't like. And during those nights, he wish he could just go running to Nicky and then he would feel happy. But now he can't because he was sure that Nicky didn't even feel the same.

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