Friend bond/Girlfriend bond

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Shopie woke up On the ground she might of fell On the floor form the bed but then she got up and she was happy about today to her first Russian friend

Shopie:" Oowww my head damn, wait that's right I did promise I would see Katrina today oooo I'm so excited for today!" Shopie said getting ready

Katie:" What are you excited about?! And how did you get ready so fast?!" Katie asked shopie

Shopie:" I met this Russian her name was Katrina she was so nice!" Shopie said in a happy tone

Katie was surprised she never saw shopie this excited about a Russian and it was her first time meeting one

Katie:" Well have fun! Bye!" Katie Said waving at shopie

Lily:" Bye shopie have fun! With your Russian friend!" Lily said waving at shopie

Shopie:" bye! Guys!" Shopie said closing the door

Katrina was Waiting for shopie to come and hang out soon shopie arrived at the destination were Katrina was Waiting for her

Katrina:" welcome Shopie come on in!" Katrina said happily

Shopie:" Hey Katrina!" Katrina said happily

Katrina:" do you want to drink some wine or vodka?" Katrina asked shopie

Shopie:" yes please!" Shopie said smiling

Shopie and Katrina talked and talked trough out the day
They were getting along so well they were just like bffs until shopie had to go back to her house

Shopie:" Well! I better get going it's getting late! I will see you next week!" Shopie said Smiling

Katrina:" Cya be safe when your driving out there!" Katrina said waving bye at shopie

Shopie:" bye!" Shopie said leaving

Katrina was happy she met shopie but one more thing Katrina hasn't forgive Janet yet so she decided to call her to forgive her about what happened

Janet:" Oh um hi Katrina I didn't think you would call me back but hi!" Janet said happily

Katrina:" Janet listen I forgive you for what you did but I'm still hurt about that but I love you Janet with all my heart and I will take a bear for you...everything for you Janet!" Katrina said trough the phone

Janet:" Katrina i love you to:)" Janet said smiling

Katrina and Janet finally got along with each other Katrina on the other hand Was happy that janet was going to meet shopie

Katrina:" Well that's all I wanted to say I hope you sleep well goodnight janet" Katrina said happily

Janet:" I will, goodnight Katrina love you !" Janet said

Katrina:" bye love you too!" Katrina said

Janet:" bye Katrina!" Janet said ending the call

Finally Katrina was feeling tried so she put on her pajamas and went To sleep

439 words

A/N: Thank you jatrinaship for this amazing idea about Katrina and Janet getting back together love ya bestie! But can you give me any ideas about shopie let me know in the comments but I hope you have a great day/night/ evening/ afternoon~Author<3

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