You just finished unpacking your things. The place is already clean, so you didn't do much. After making sure that you didn't miss anything, you stayed at your balcony to think and also to get some fresh air.
"Ha! The air is different here. Am I going to adjust well?" you mumbled, staring at the night sky.
After some time, you decided to look for a convenience store nearby to buy dinner. As soon as you walked out of your apartment door, you immediately saw your neighbor smoking while leaning on the railings in the hallway. He sure likes to smoke, huh?
He's quiet and strangely, you feel goosebumps whenever your eyes meet.
Sensing someone approaching, Ran turned his head to look at you. You stopped your tracks and awkwardly greeted him.
He didn't respond and just stared for a moment before taking a puff of smoke after that, he extended a hand, holding a pack of cigarettes. "Want some?" he asked.
"Huh? Ah... No, I don't smoke," you replied.
"Suit yourself," he said, putting the cigarette packed back in his pocket. "Can't sleep?" he added.
"Uh... Kinda. I thought that I could use some fresh air and buy dinner."
"I see," he said and puffed another smoke. Silence filled the air for a quick while before he spoke again. "Why are you here? You seemed not the countryside typa girl."
"Some complicated shit happened."
"So you run away?"
"How about you? Did you grow up he—"
"Want some advice, so you can last here?"
"Huh?" puzzled, you tilted your head to the side.
"Don't trust too easily, kid," he said before puffing his last smoke and throwing his cigarette butt to the ground.
"I—I don't..."
"See ya," he said, then walked back to his apartment.
What does he mean?
Dumbfounded, you just watched him open his door and go inside. You didn't want to be nosy, but as you glanced into his apartment, you noticed ramen cups, junk food, and empty beer bottles scattered everywhere. Is that what he eats every day?
The next day, you cooked lunch but accidentally made more than you could eat. As you sat at your dining table, staring at the container, you debated whether to offer him some of the food. He seemed a bit scary, but seeing his apartment reminded you of your life for the past months. You feel that somehow you're both the same... Alone.
You took a deep breath for the fifth time and stood up. "Ah! Whatever. If I don't offer him this food, it will just go to waste," you mumbled, grabbing the containers from the table and heading outside. You stopped for a moment in front of his door before knocking.
The music inside his unit is blasting as if he's the only tenant on the floor. Fortunately, you only hear faint music in your apartment, so you didn't have to deal with loud noises. After a few moments, with no response, you knocked again. Still, no one answered. Maybe the music was too loud for him to hear your knocks. After waiting a bit longer, you decided to head back to your apartment. Just as you were about to leave, his door swung open.
"Yo, kid."
"Oh, uhm," you pursed your lips in surprise. He's half-naked, and the button of his jeans is open, showing his boxers.
"Yeah?" he said, raising his eyebrow as he crossed his arms against his chest and leaned his side against the doorframe.
"I... uhh..." You were flustered. Who wouldn't be? He was half-naked, and it didn't help that he was undeniably attractive. Clearing your throat, you shifted your gaze to the containers you were holding.
"Oh! I'm sorry to disturb you. I, um... accidentally cooked too much for lunch today, so I thought I'd share some with you. Cup noodles aren't great for your health, you know," you explained. Ran looked at you as though you were strange for offering food to a stranger.
"Didn't I tell you not to trust people so easily? We're neighbors, not friends."
"Oh, right," you replied with an embarrassed chuckle. "I—uhm, I should go," you added, giving a slight bow before turning and walking away.
Ran shut his eyes tightly. A faint fuck! escaped his lips. "Wait!"
"Hmm?" you hummed and looked back. Without saying another word, he extended his hand as if he's gesturing you to give him the containers. You looked at the food and hurriedly gave it to him.
"Thanks," he said.
"You're welcome. Please enjoy the food."
He didn't say another word and just closed the door.
Eveyday, Baji kept returning to your old home, hoping to see you. He already asked your landlady, and she told him that you moved in a hurry but didn't tell her where.
As days passed, Baji grew more frustrated, to the point where he was on the verge of losing his temper. Luckily, Mikey stepped in to calm him down, reminding him that his rampage wouldn't help them find you.
Even without talking about it, both he and Mikey sensed that Yuri was behind all of this.
y/n won't leave her friends unless she knows that something dangerous will happen to us. I know her.
After clearing his mind, Baji decided to spend more time with Yuri, hoping to find anything that can prove that she's behind the reason why you left, but days, weeks, and months passed... He couldn't find a clue. He had looked through her room but had a feeling that since he found that album, she had become more careful of her things.
"It's really sad that y/n left," Yuri said, handing Baji a glass of juice.
"Yeah... I thought things would be okay between us, but she just left without a word."
"Look at how selfish she is. You're here, worried sick about her while she's in god knows where, living her life," she paused for a moment, letting out a long sigh. "She's not right for you, Keisuke. She gave up too easily after things got tough. In my opinion, if you really love someone, you stick by them even when everything seems to fall apart," she added, sitting close to Baji. "You're better off with someone who will love you more than you love them."
Baji tried so fucking hard not to show his disgust. Instead, he pressed his lips together, holding back from saying something he might regret. If Yuri was responsible for your disappearance, he needed to be cautious not to upset her, so she wouldn't take her anger out on you.
"If you want to move on, I can help you."
"Things like this cannot be forced, Yuri. I still need time."
"It's fine, I can wait," she said, holding his hand. "For you, Baji, I will do everything," she added.