"Good morning Nina, you're late." "I know Emily, thank you." Walking towards the elevator feeling somewhat guilty for being late but really it's not my fault. My class ran long this morning, nothing I could do about the professor yapping on far longer than anyone needed. Late on my second day working here. He might just fire me and I would understand. 31st floor intimidating much like Mr.Styles. I go to knock on his door to find it open. I walk in seeing a girl probably about 6 sitting in Mr.Styles chair. I hate children whose child is this what is going on. I turn around and find Mr. Styles frantically running his hand through his hair. Slow to connect the dots but realise this is most likely his daughter he had previously mentioned. What she is doing here is still a mystery. She's cute though and seems to be very smart. "Hello?" "Hi yes so good you're finally here. You're late ya know." Yes thank you i do know. He continues on,"I also told you not to wear something ugly. It was one rule. I need you to watch my daughter today. Can you do that?" "Actually I am not really all that great with kids and I thought this wasn't too ugly." "I'm sorry I'm not really asking Nina, you work for me, you're going to watch her, it's only for today. She has toys, she's nice and smart. If you need anything please call me. I will be out today." He mumbles something under his breath and leaves. Great just fucking great Im going to love today. I hear the child laugh,"oooo you said a bad worrdddddd." Oh no. "What's your name darling?" "My name is Scarlett. What's your name? Are you gonna be my mommy cause you called me darling just like daddy does." "No no sweetie, not your new mommy. I'm just gonna be watching you today. I work for uh your daddy." Out of all the ways I thought I might end up calling a boss daddy this was definitely not one of them.
Mr. Styles cleared his throat as he walked in on Scarlett and I chasing each other around the room laughing like crazy people. Only seven hours later but that's okay she was actually pretty cool. She runs over jumping on him almost making him fall over. "Hi darling. Did you have fun today? You'll have to tell me all about it when we get home ok?" "Yes yes yes!!! I missed you daddy. Nina should come home with us; she could watch me forever." "Haha well that's very sweet darling but she has to get to her home and she works for me here. You can come visit sometimes too but you're starting school tomorrow it's gonna be so much fun. Go wait by the elevator darling." She mumbles an ok daddy and runs off making us both giggle. He thanks me and stares at me for what seems to be a second too long, making me notice how beautiful his eyes are. Scarlett definitely got them from him. I wonder what her mom is like. I wonder if there's a Mrs. to his Mr. However, considering Scarlett asked if I would be her new mommy they either don't get along or she doesn't have one. Why do I even care. I shake the thought from my mind and make the journey home. This time congratulating myself on bringing a jacket because it's windy once again.
I hit my alarm as it goes off. Eight is just too early to be awake. I get up, brush my teeth, do my hair and eat breakfast; Vanilla yogurt with granola and fruit. I decided to go in early as I don't have a class and was hoping I could talk to Emily before I must actually go to work. As I enter the building I'm surprised to see she is already working but me being me I go up to her anyways. "Hi Emily! You're working already?" She laughs, causing me to get a very confused look upon my face. "Yes Nina most of us get here at seven to work not Twelve-Thirty. What are you doing here so early anyways girl. If I were you I'd be at home sleeping, not coming into work." Internally cursing myself for being so dumb. Of course they start work at seven. I start to feel like perhaps I shouldn't have come in. "I can't sleep past eight if I try. Schools got me on a schedule. Is Mr.Styles in yet? Maybe I can just get a jump start on work." Emily looks at me as if my eyes have come out of my head and rolled on to her desk. "Yes he's here. He's not extremely friendly in the morning so tread lightly." I nod knowing he's not friendly during the day, how mean is he in the morning. "Yes of course thanks for the heads up Emily. We should hang out this weekend you're the only person I really know around here. We could go out and get some drinks? I have a fake id." She tells me I'm crazy but that she'll be there and I head up to Mr.Styles office. Knocking on the door no one answers so I sit on the ground playing candy crush on my phone waiting for him to return. A swift thump and suddenly I'm on the ground looking up at Mr.Styles. I shouldn't have propped myself up against the door. "What are you doing here Nina you don't start work for two hours." Why is no one here happy to see me? He helps me up off of the floor and I pick up my phone and dust off my pants hoping my phone is fine. "I thought I'd come in early to be helpful but no one has seemed to think that has been a good idea so far." I mumble the last part to myself so I don't let him know everyone here finds him terrifying. "Oh okay. Thank you. Next time don't lean against the door. I was on a call and couldn't open it until now. I don't want you to get hurt." Just as I thought he was being nice he finishes his sentence off with "It would be a lot of paperwork I simply don't have time for." That's the Mr.Styles I know and love. Love may be a strong statement. I enter his office taking a seat on the couch staring at him like a lost puppy. He hasn't said anything yet and as I haven't really had a real day at this job I was unsure of what I should be doing. He pulls out his wallet and hands me 300$. "What is this?" "Money Nina, it helps pay for things. It's wonderful really." Jackass "I know that but why did you give it to me?" "It's extra for taking care of my daughter yesterday. It's not something that I would typically ask from my assistant and she had a great time." "I did too I don't usually like kids but she was very entertaining to say the least." "Haha yes she can be quite a handful I love her though. Anyways, I thought we could go out to lunch today unless you already had plans." I know I don't already have plans but I don't want him to think I'm a loser. Not sure why I care what he thinks but I guess I have no other option than to say yes. "Sure we can have lunch." "Perfect, now you can answer all my phone calls and take notes." He explains the rest of my duties to me.
We find ourselves at a sushi restaurant far too underdressed to be in this nice place. He walks in confidently and gets us a table. I don't really eat sushi but I'm sure there is something here I can eat. I'm also too scared to inform him that I don't eat sushi so when he proposed the idea I just said yes. He might cut my tongue out or something. Nina, be realistic, he's not that scary, just calm down. He hands me a menu and our hands touch for a second. I realise all of the rings he has scattered across his fingers. I find myself reaching out to touch the rose ring he has on before catching myself that is extremely weird and inappropriate. "Do you like it?" Fuck he saw it. "Uhm yeah I do it's really beautiful." He chuckles and explains how he got it from Scarlett's mom when they had first met. I guess she is in the picture. I felt my heart sink a little before moving on with our meal completely dased the entire time to hear him talk about boring work stuff. I'm far too focused on his hands. How big they are but the delicate ways they move and how they so perfectly match his eyes. It doesn't make a lot of sense for hands to match eyes but it's like his were perfectly complementary.

FanfictionNina had always dreamed of being normal. That idea always seemed safe and comforting. Having a good job, good friends, a good family. She was struggling on the family part but the rest was in the making. Though normal is never something Harry had in...