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Two cars stopped in front of the mansion. Namjoon was the only one awake other than the driver. Tae's head was on jin's lap and jin is  leaning to the window sleeping. Namjoon tried waking them up calling their names but not even a little move from sleeping boys. Then namjoon started to shook Taehyung, making him wriggle. Jin's eyes shot open due to the sudden movement. And then he saw that they arrived in their destination. He mumbled a little sorry to namjoon and start waking up Taehyung.

In the other car, Hobi was busy clicking photos of yoongi and jimin who was sleeping all over themselves.
He couldn't control his laugh, and he laughs out loudly. Both boys waked up hearing his laugh. Jimin was red, seeing his position. Yoongi threw death glares to still laughing Hobi.

They all went inside. Jin and Jimin were busy admiring the house. It was not like the place they were earlier at. This place gives them home vibes.
They enter the living room. It was spacious.

We have some talk to do, so everyone sit down for a minute. Namjoon said sitting on the couch.
Everyone get seated around him.

So this will be the home we are going to live now on. All the bedrooms are in second floor. And you two, you can roam around here, but don't exit the front gate. Namjoon said, glaring at jin and jimin.

And there are guards outside. They won't hurt you unless you cause trouble.
Hyung don't threaten them. Tae said to namjoon with an angry face.
I am not threatening Tae. I am just saying them rules.
No hyung you don't impose rules to family members.

Ohh god Tae, you are still a kid. You won't understand anything yet.
Any way, I have something else to say.
It's not only six of us living here. There is another person too.

All except namjoon,yoongi and hoseok starts looking at each other hearing that.

Who is it hyung? You don't like it when strangers come inside the house.
But I made an exception just for you Tae. Namjoon said.
But he was very nervous.

Yoongi hyung, can you take him downstairs. Namjoon asked yoongi.
Then yoongi went towards the stairs.

After 5 minutes  footsteps can be heard. Then there was yoongi and another boy. The boy was taller than yoongi and had a perfect body. He had a bunny like look. He had a silky black hair and big doe eyes. But they are puffed and red. He had tears streaming down his cheeks. His lips were trembling from fear.

There was someone who looking at the boy without blinking. But he was so pale, like he just saw a ghost. He tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth.

Tae aren't you going to welcome your friend? Namjoon asked from the pale boy.

The boy who was with yoongi look up and his eyes wander everywhere. Then it landed at taehyung. He was shocked seeing Tae there.

Are you the one who kidnapped me? He asked from tae. His eyes were burning from anger and tears are coming out nonstop.

Tae shook his head violently, saying No. He is a crying mess right now. Then Tae suddenly looked at namjoon, anger visible in his eyes.

Why did you do that?? Tae sounded so sad that namjoon instantly went to tae and hugged him.

But tae furiously pushed him back.
Noo don't come near me. I hate you.

Tae, sweety listen....yoongi was cut off.
You too hyung I hate you too.

Tae then went toward the confused boy.
Jungkook don't worry, I will take you back home in the morning. Just sleep here tonight. I am really sorry.
After saying that tae ran to upstairs.
Namjoon ran after him.

Jin and jimin were in shock at the scene unfolding infront of them. The boy had stopped crying. But he was hicupping continuously.

Hobi can you get some water ?? Yoongi asked leading the boy to sit on the couch.

After 10 minutes, Namjoon came back. But he was really mad. His aura was really dark that jin or jimin didn't dare look at him.

We should sleep for now. He said controlling his anger.
Hoseok guide the boy back to the room he was at.

Hey kid follow me. Yoongi said to jimin. Jimin followed him without a word. Jin also got up and starts following jimin.

Jin was going to turn right after climbing the stairs. But he heard a voice that gave him goosebumps.

Our room is at the other side. Namjoon said passing by jin. Jin was confused whether he heard it right or not. Namjoon just said our room.

He didn't have any choice and followed namjoon to the room he entered. His luggage was there inside the room.

Wait here until I shower. Namjoon said to jin and went inside the bathroom. Jin sat on the king-sized bed. He was terrified at the idea of sharing his room with namjoon. Then he suddenly remembered the letter he got at the party. He should hide it immediately. He quickly searched around and hide it under a flower pot he found in the corner.

After 15 minutes, namjoon came out wearing his night attire. Jin didn't dare to look at his face.

You can have a wash now. Namjoon said to jin. Then jin proceed to the bathroom.

It takes jin more than 30 minutes to shower. He was confused as hell with this new situation. Who won't be nervous to share a room with a mafia. At the same time he was worried about jimin. He wants to meet jimin as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will die out of nervousness.

Jin came out and namjoon was already on the bed using his phone. Jin wasn't sure where he should sleep.

Are you a stand sleeper? Namjoon's voice broke jin's trance.
Come here. It's getting late. Namjoon said tapping other side of the bed.

Jin, not wanting to anger namjoon, went there and lay down facing opposite of namjoon. A few seconds later namjoon switched off the lights and layed down.

Jin tried to sleep while controlling his nervousness. But suddenly he felt a heavy arm wrapping around his waist. Jin shot open his eyes and stopped breathing.

You can breathe, i don't want to sleep with a dead body. Jin heard, but he was still shocked. He wants to push the hand away very badly, but he doesn't have the courage to do that. So he stayed still.



Truth Comes to Light (Namjin, Yoonmin, Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now