🦋Families and First Meetings🦋

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Here again I am changing some things, Lois and Clark actually moved to Smallville after Martha passed away. They work at the newspaper there. Jonathan and Jordan aren't born yet.


"Hey Kansas," called out Lois and Clark turned around.

"Hey," he chuckled and kissed her softly.

For a few moments they just enjoyed each other's company as Clark held Lois in his arms. He then took her hand and ran his finger over the small diamond that rested on her ring finger.

"I still can't believe that you said yes," he smiled down at her.

"Yeah," Lois replied, "it was about time though, wouldn't you agree?"

Clark laughed at that and Lois continued, "so we having an engagement party?"

"Of course," Clark answered, "I've missed so many people and it's an opportunity to catch up."

"You just want to meet Kara's new boyfriend," Lois corrected.

"You know me so well," he shook his head.

"I'm a reporter Smallville," she smirked, "besides, I want to meet him too."

"Yeah," Clark scoffed, "especially when it's someone like Oliver Queen. He's rich and I know enough of his kind."

"Bruce Wayne? Maxwell Lord?" she questioned and Clark nodded.

"I can't help it," he sighed, "I want to protect her. I always have. It almost killed me to give her up to the Danvers, but I knew that it was what was best for her. She's dating one of the richest people on Earth. Oliver Queen has had playboy ways, although they seemed to significantly reduce after his return."

"You did your homework," Lois commented and then sighed, "we saw the pictures too, from the tabloids and gossip magazines. They seemed so happy in that. Not to mention, they seem like they are genuinely in love. I mean, the Charity Ball? There was no way that she bought that jewellery. It seemed like someone had bought it for her. Oliver Queen no doubt."

"You're right," Clark chuckled, "I guess we'll have to see for ourselves this weekend. Let's see what kind of man he truly is. People like him can put up a façade really well. I need to know his intentions and to make sure he doesn't hurt her."

"It'll be fine," Lois soothed and they shared a kiss.


Meanwhile, in National City, Kara was watching a movie. She was sitting sideways on Oliver's lap as he nuzzled his face into her chest and she played with his short hair. Then, her phone pinged so she picked it up to see what it was. She opened up the e-mail she received and jumped up and squealed when she read it. 

Oliver suddenly looked up at her, "is everything okay honey?"

"Great," Kara replied with a huge smile, "Clark and Lois got engaged."

"That's amazing," Oliver smiled back.

"Yeah," Kara giggled, "I've been waiting for this moment for so long and I couldn't be happier for the both of them. I mean I love Lois like a sister and Clark is family."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down into his lap again. She chuckled at it and he kissed the top of her head. 

"Well," Oliver started, "I'm happy you're happy."

Kara smiled, "they've invited us to their engagement party this weekend in Smallville."

Oliver nodded and then something else caught his attention, "us?"

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