Prologue | Rebirth

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A/n: The purpose of this fic is to help my creativity and plot development in my stories. Please do give me constructive feedback at the end of every chapter, it's important for me. 


Can you imagine being killed for no reason? Can you imagine being killed and then told that you have to do an unreasonable quest for the sake of a world you don't know or honestly care about? Can you imagine someone with so little self-respect or shame killing you and then tell you that you have three wishes for this task? 

If this for any reason at all happened to you, what would you ask for? Certainly, you know that there is a rule against asking for more wishes, but I hope that you are not retarded enough to ask for that rule to not affect you because unless the person granting your wishes is retarded or too chill to give a fuck he won't be handing you your wishes, he could troll you or fuck you over. 

I asked for more wishes, and thankfully the god in front of me simply denied my request -- he needed my help, after all, can't just kill me for no reason. As for why I was asked to help him in particular, that's a mystery to me, maybe a quality I don't know I had, or maybe because of my way of thinking, perhaps because I was the only person he knew who honestly didn't care about the world he was about to send me in, and that's why he sent me there.

Regardless, I was sent to another world with three wishes, and thankfully three perks. No, I didn't ask for some kind of Dragon Ball race or wish; no I did not ask for the gamer system;  no I did not ask to be slime, those seem to be wishes everyone wants to have for some reason.

No, when I was asking for my wishes I did not think of the possible future, I didn't think ahead, I didn't even compare abilities or powers of the wishes I was about to get. If I was about to ask for something overpowered I'd ask to have the powers of Lucifer from the DC comic or Xeno from dragon ball or Big Will from Saint Seiya. I wished for things I found interesting or cool from one of my favorite series and that's it. 

I laid down on my bed with my head resting on both my hands, I heard loud, consistent knocking on my door along with a tremulous and deep voice.

"Wake the hell up, ya' spoiled brat!" I winced at the sheer volume and got up from my bed and opened the door to the yelling old man behind it. 

The man had dark, shaved on the sides hair, and a checkered vest shows off his wiry frame thin but with sharp lines of muscle like he had been chiseled from stone. The old man wore an ankle-length, grey-blue cape likened to the color of a stormy sky which is clasped onto his shoulders with a silver chain, a silver belt with a round buckle, matching boots, and bright white slacks with deep side pockets. He also had loads of scars around his body, most notably on his neck, eyebrow, and lip.

How someone survives a cut to the neck is beyond my understanding, but he somehow did, so good on him.

(Image reference, link to original art[where I found it]:


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"You awake yet?" asked the man, making me sigh and nod. 

"If I wasn't before, I sure am now," I told him, rubbing the back of my neck, "You sure your voice isn't your semblance? The ear raper? Or the ear destroyer?" I questioned, putting my index finger inside my ear and rubbing it a little. 

"I am quite certain that is not my semblance!" he loudly stated, slapping my back twice, "Anyways, you have to get ready for school, can't have the headmaster's son be late for the first day now can we?" he asked.

"Dad..." I said, looking at him in his orange eyes, "It's five forty-three," I told him with a yawn, "School starts at eight, I have three hours till then," I told him. He shook his head and then grinned.

"This is why you younglings fail," he said with a shrug, "You start your mornings so late," he said, curling his hand and only leaving his index finger while shaking his wrist, "If you trained during those three hours, you would be so much better off."

"Dad... you would only get about two hours of exercise," I told him, "Since you'd have to eat, take a shower, change clothes, get to Shade Academy," I told him, something which he seemed to ignore as he wrapped his arms around me and tightly gave me a hug. 

"Boy! You're looking more and more like your mother every day!" he said, his face turning slightly more serious as he mentioned the gloomy topic that is my mother in this world. 

"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or not," I told him with a grin, he gave a chuckle and then let go of my hug.

"Those bright red eyes, golden hair, fair skin, did you take nothing from me? I'm looking at a male version of your mother here," he said, putting his hands on my shoulders while having a fake expression of sadness. I felt the veins on the top of my head suddenly become more pronounced as I punched him away from me. 

"Suddenly I'm glad I don't look like you," I told him with a sigh. 

"Right right, or so you say, I bet you wish you had this beautiful darkened skin," he said, showcasing his muscles. 

"Dad... don't take this the wrong way, but currently, you are nauseating to look at." I kicked him out of my room and then closed the door on his face, but not before he could shout. 

"Meet me at the archery range!" he yelled, making me sigh. 

I opened my closet and put on some casual clothes. A white long short-sleeved shirt with my emblem on it, which was a golden treasure chest with a bow behind it, black shorts with lines following the hip down the edge of the end of the shorts, and white sandals. I then took a longbow from my closet along with a mechanical quiver. If you aren't aware of what that looks like, clearly you haven't seen the movie Avengers, because I ripped off Hawkeye like Rick Sanchez ripped off Doctor Strange: proudly and with no shame. 

Once I was done with my preparing I walked down the halls of shade academy until the exit. That's right, I live inside my school. If you are wondering why getting to class is annoying, then that has to do with my father's annoying obsession with puzzles, which made him re-structure the school in order to have ever-changing mazes and quizzes along the way. Basically, he created an easy to escape from an escape room, which in my opinion defeats the purpose of an escape room, but that might just be me. If you make an escape room, make it hard.

After a quiz about the Faunus Rights movement and a very easy maze, I got out of the school and turned around to gaze at the enormous building that is this school. The best way to describe this school from the outside is to describe it as a mix between a Spanish castle and an Aztec pyramid. The shape comes from the Aztec pyramid along with the way the stones look, but the towers and outer wall make it seem like a Spanish castle. On the inside, it's more of a mix between the forest temple in Zelda Ocarina of time and the Ravenclaw tower, concept-wise at least.

Outside the castle pyramid, there are several sections for students to hang out and train, separated by stone walls reinforced by guards and turrets. I headed towards the archery range, which is more of a shooting range really. It's just an area filled with targets. A total of four people can come here at once, and it has to be booked, though it's honestly not as popular as it probably should be, students like to hang out more in the battle arena or simulation room. 

"Ah! You're here!" Dad waved his arm above his head like an idiot as I walked towards him. 

"You are aware that I am the only person awake at this hour of the day?" I questioned. Dad shook his head and then smiled.

"Men, who are true men are awake right now, working out and getting stronger!" he described.

"That or postmen, but I am being honest I don't count postmen as people," I said, with a shrug as I looked at him in the eye "Anyone who works at 5:30, in other words, has to get up before 5 AM is superhuman. I heard some wake up at 3 AM to get prepared." I explained.

"Then that makes us! Superhuman!" he said, slapping my back again, "That's a compliment!"

"Right," I said, looking at him. Dad looked into my eyes and then pointed at the target on the other side of the field. A small red bottle about twenty centimeters in height and half of that in with. 

"Hit it," he said, crossing his arms. I nodded and put my hand above my quiver, I felt the sudden soft texture brush against my finger, I quickly grasped the arrow, knocked it in the bow, and shot forwards. 

The arrow flew up into the sky and fell down in the middle of the bottle. Parabola shots are harder to actually hit and I wanted to show off a little. 

"Impressive, but that was stationary," he said, I heard a whoosh and then saw a small bottle fly past me from behind. I focused my eyes and quickly knocked an arrow in the bow before shooting the flying bottle, hitting it in the middle. 

"Good, good, how about multiple targets?" he asked, five bottles flew past me from behind, I ducked under them and took five arrows from my quiver before knocking them on my bow. I adjusted the angle with a wrist movement and then shot forwards. The arrows flew upwards, and before the bottles fell down they were pierced in the middle by my arrow. 

I heard clapping come from behind me, I turned around and saw dad with a grin, "Good, good, now if a bottle-shaped grim invades we know who to call," he said while clapping. I rolled my eyes and got up from the ground. 

"Careful what you say, now if a bottle-shaped grim actually attacks, what will you do then?" I asked, making dad chuckle. 

"I'll call you, bottle slayer!" he said with a grin. 

"Riiiight," I said with a smile. 

"I've trained you well," he said getting closer to me, his tone resembling an "I'm about to give you grave news" tone.

"Zilar," he said, putting one hand on my right shoulder, "Zilar du Bigarrena Gilgamesh, I know you do not have a team of your own, and that you are a special case in the academy," he said.

"Dad, saying my whole name like that honestly makes me worry," I told him.

"Well, I'm kind of sad you took your mother's last name rather than mine, but hey, that's a discussion for another day," he said, with a small shoulder shrug.

"Another day? More like never," I told him while crossing my arms.  

"Right, anyways, a team going to the Vytal festival had one of their teammates bedridden, and you're kind of the only person I can ask about this," he said. I turned my head towards him while raising an eyebrow.

"Are you sure I am the only one? I am sure you had other options," I told him.

"Right, but you're the best option," he replied, making me nod understandingly, "Remember to not showcase your talent and to make friends, you're horrible with other people."

"... I'm getting better with people," I told him, believing what I had just said. 

"Calling people you're uncomfortable around Mongrels rather than worthless beings is not much of an improvement," dad said, making me sigh. 

I'm rather awkward around other people.


A/n: Feel free to send criticism, ask questions and such

Well at least it's an improvement

6mo ago

I wouldn't want anything too powerful, I guess? xd
My first wish would be about... Maybe, my own pocket dimension, where I could, basically, live? Though, this deity? I guess. Could maje it so, it was just an empty space, without floor or roof... Or, he could just give me a pocket dimension, where there is floor, that I can stand upon. But, it's all white? And, if he wouldn't want to fuck over my life, this space would have oxygen. I hope- 
And, if it doesn't... Bruh, imagine that you are wearing a space costume, and you, simply, start to create your own "earth". Or, you are simply trying to make oxygen in this place, just so you could be there and make ut usable-
Though, ut would be my fault, as this creature wants me to help the world, and not be lazy within my own pocket dimension

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7mo ago

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