Chapter 2 - the first meeting

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(A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! THANK U ALL SOSOSOSOSO MUCH FOR THE ATTENTION x3! this fic reached number two! TWO! in the dgs tag!!! aaaAA i love u all SO much and im so happy u like my ficcc <3 <3. plzzz remember to keep commenting, voting, and sharing!! if u kno anybody that also likes dgs and layton pls let them kno abt this!! (and also make them cmmnt bc i need friendz xD) but YEA ill stop blabbering and get to writing hehe xoxo)

"ITS WHAAAAAT?" The little boy wailed loudly.

"Th-thats impossible!! theres no way its actually 1901-" Emmy cried.

Naruhodo tryed to get himself off the ground and kept slipping as he said "I dont know whats wrong with you people, but its definitely that time."

"Naruhodo!" susato scolded "please don't be to harsh! We dont know where they came from or how they got here."

"they crushed, me Susato!" naruhodo yelled back.

"Actually, im sure if i tried to explain our situation, things would become far more clear-" Layton started, but everyone was already wayy too worried about everything to hear.

Luke sat on the ground and started to sob a lot. "I- I dd-dont kn-know how iim gon-na get h-home noww-!" He wailed loudly afdter he finished speaking. Descole was already very mad and started to make loud "wah wah wah" sounds back at him as he sobbed.

"If you had just let the time machine be, none of this wouldve even happen!" Descole yelled, not really at luke but at all of layton's gang.

"a time machine...?" Susato questioned and then her eyes lit up "oh, of course! That explains the clothes and the frustration perfectley!"

"Huh.....?" Naruhodo pondered, "Those aren't real, right?"

Susato giggled, "its the nature of a time machine to not be from its time, naruhodo! That's the point"

The two realiezing what had happened let hershel back into the talk, "Yes, there was a bit of a missed hap with an odd- uh- invention back in our time. We just arrived, so were rather unfamiliar with the setting."

"And we really need to get back home!" Emmy intervined

"Oh! You stumbled upon the right group, then!" Susato cheered. "we might not have a time machine right now, but we know a pair that could get you one!"

Naruhodo groand, "we are not bringing them to-"

"Yes we are! They dont have enywhere else to go, and theyre just going to be lost, here." Susato frowned.

"Tsk," Descole tsked, "you can bring those three where ever you like, but I'm not letting myself be weighed down by any children, violent assistants, or morally superior professors."

"Descole," the professor started, "sureley youre not foolish enough to throw away any resources or opportunyes this early in our time here?"

"Foolish-? I am NOT foolish!" Descole yelped "I prefer to work away from the influence of others"

"why cant we let him go? I'd be happy to see him leave" emmy sassed.

"Like youre in any position to shew me away. I know how i built the first machine, and i could defintetly make another if i pleased." Descole sassed back.

As the group argued Susato deflated, as agressive as the masked man was, having the creator of the actual time machine could be very useful when recreating it. She knows he could use the help, even if its some blue prints.

"Oh, get over yourself!" Susato scolded, "we're bringing you to the best inventors hub in all of london! At least give us the curtosy to see whats being offered."

"You dont know what materials 1901 wont have that 1963 did, descole." layton added.

"....." Descole was breathing in frustrated, heavy huffs, hating the feeling of conforming to their wishes but knowing they were right. "I'll grant you a glance."

Layton smiled, picked up luke who was still on the floor, and Naruhodo sat and stared at the group. This was going to be the worst.

"Lets go then! We dont have time to waste." Susato cheered and led the group forward down the street, letting destiny unfold before there very eyes.


Eventually the group made it to something called an apartment in England at the time but it really looks more like a house, Susato knocked on the door because naruhodo was carrying the groceries and yelled "Iris, were back, and we have company!"

"oOOO! Company?" imediately the door swings open, and the group is met with the happy face of a 10 year old girl with bright pink hair and cute steampunk clothes. "Woah, you sure know how to find some odd strangers, Susie! Ive never even seen these guys before."

"Woah, is this the inventer youve been telling us about, Miss?" Luke asked esxcitedly, he never gets to see anyone his own age on his trips with the professor.

"There not really from around here," susato sighs, "and yes luke! It's one of them." The small group had introduced themselves properly on the way to the house.

"I didnt think shed be so young." Emmy pondered, "is the other one an adult?"

Naruhodo made a weird noise, "I mean, technically?"

"Oh! they must be young too!" Luke exclamed

"No, definetely not that" Naruhodo sighed.

"You dont need to be so harsh on Holmesie!" Iris exclaimed, "Hes just a little weird, is all! Come on inside, all of you! I made some really really nice tea blends that could perfectly suit an oksion like this."

The group all entered the room to find it full to the brim with furneture, pictures, and personality. One side was almost all pink and cute and nice with a bunch of tea, medicine, and a tipewriter adn the other side was full of a tone of nonsense and a big, bulky, brass machine. In the middle of the messy side sat a man sitting atop the big brass machine, plucking strings of a violin and moving every couple of plucks. He kept trying to tinker with the machine when he moved around but he seemed very mad because he just kept tinkering and frowning like he looked mad.

"Whats wrong with him" Emmy said.

"Nothing hes just working!" Iris cheered "Im iris by the way"

The man at the machine had bright blonde smoky yellow hair that was in a big poof style and was kind of curly and wavy but not really. He was dressed in a pink shirt, brown-gray vest, and he had on normal dark pants. He also had a bunch of cemistry tubes on his hip and a holster attached at his thie.

"Its nice to meet you iris! Im luke!!!" luke yelled happily and held out his hand to shake. Iris took it and they shook hands and she smiled "its really nice to meet you too"

Descole growled. "Yes yes introductions are nice i suppose but i dont want to be here how do i get out and what does the man in the middle of the room have to do with this?"

Hearing that someone was probably talking about him, said man in the middle of the room looked at descole and mentioned "Youre in the middle of my house uninvited and yet you feel the need to ask favors of me. How curious."

"Holmesie i invited them actually!" Iris squealed

"Oh okay" The man referred to as holmesie said. "In that case then you are still asking things of me but I do this for a living so that is okay! Who are you?"

It was after the blonde smoky haired man spoke that Hershel stepped forward tipping his hat at holmsie man and iris.

"My name is hershel layton and this is emmy altava, luke triton, and jean descole" he spoke while pointing to each of them "and we would simply like to get home."

"Okay do you need directions perchance?" Holmes asked.

"No were from another timeline!" luke insisted

"No luke were from a different time, a different timeline implies far more but actually now that you say that i suppose i dont know whether or not we are from a different timeline so nevermind actually" Emmy added.

Descole scoffed "The point is that we arent supposed to be here at all, these imbeesils just destroyed my carefully made time machine."

The man in the normal clothes but extra accesseries perked up. "You made a time machine????????" He wailed.

"Yes but they broke it." Descole scoffed again

."Aha-ha-ha!" Sherlock said excitedly, hopping off of the machine and turning around one, too, three times and almost bumping into a table next to him because he spun very fast. "Well in that case you are in luck because iris here and i have actually been working on a machine very similar to that!" He opened his arms wide and turned to the machine he was messing with before and reveled a big awesome machine that totally looked like it could be a time machine now that he said that.

"Mister holmes you were working on a time machine??????" Ryuu and Susato yelled together loudly.

"Yes it was just a surprise for you two because we thought it could be funny!" iris wailed.

"Yes!!!!!" Holmes yelled. "We can get you home!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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