Viewers Discretion: this story is purely fictional and also contains self-abuse and strong langauge.
A ryeji story wherein ryujin is suicidal
"i feel bad for your stupidity" the stranger said
"you don't know me" ryujin answered, annoyance visible in...
Me and yeji are now walking side by side on the street, trying to find a nearby hotel where we can stay when yeji suddenly shouted in my ear, making me flinch.
"Omo!! Ryu look, A convenience store!!!" She screamed as she stopped walking
"What do you want now?" I whined while rubbing my ringing ear
"Buy me snacks please?" She begged, pouting like a little kid and giving me puppy eyes
"Stop doing that, you're not cute" I said teasingly and continued walking
"Ryujiiinnnn" she whined while tugging on my jacket making me stop my tracks
I swear I'm babysitting a kid right now..
"No, I'm tired" I said and tried to pull her away from the store but she wouldn't budge. Ughh
I looked at her which she's already looking back at me with her eyebrows forrowed while pouting
I got distracted by her face and didn't realize that I had loosen my grip on her wrist
She took this opportunity to escape my grasp and run towards the store.
"Yeji" I called but she didn't listen and still continue to run to the store so I had no choice but to follow her
I stopped when I was now beside her, catching my breath
"Don't do that idiot" I said, panting
I heard hum as a response still staring at the store, she leaned her body against the glass wall, both hands on each side of her face, peeking through.
I cleared my throat before speaking
"Do you wanna come in or are we just gonna stand here?" I asked while looking at her from the side, slightly tilting my head
"You first" she said with a wide grin
I sighed and entered the store, her following closely behind
I walked in one of the isles with her still following me, our back turned against each other
"Just pick whatever you want and I'll pay" I said and faced her, walking to her side
"As expected" she muttered while focused on choosing her snacks
I scoffed before heading to the other isles, leaving her behind.
I was looking through one of the isles when I found freaking mocha bread!!! They were individually wrapped so I got 8pcs... What? I love mocha bread. anywayss.. I got a basket and put them all in there.
As I was checking out some other snacks, I suddenly felt my basket getting heavy and when I looked at it, it was full of snacks!! From chips to chocolates to full on bags of candiess.
My eyes widened and shot my head up to yeji who's now smiling sweetly at me.
"What the hell are these yeji?!?" I whisper-yelled at her, not trying to make a scene even though it was only me, yeji and the cashier inside the store
"You told me to get whatever I want" she said and shrugged her shoulders before adverting her gaze to the tooth brushes hanged on the shelves
"Wha- well I didn't know you were gonna pick out all the snacks in the whole fucking store yeji" I scoffed
"Chill out will you? It's just one basket you're not gonna die" she said sarcastically
"Well we are... Soon. So why not savor the moment right!" She exclaimed while throwing her hands up in the air