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Hello! Welcome to my story! :D

Just some legal things to get out of the way, and we can jump right in:

This story is a fanfiction of the lore featured in the Dream SMP. It features characters that appear on the server, and portrays SOME of their canon back stories.

Some details of the original lore have been changed, such as the political situation after the fall of L'Manberg. My apologies to the purists. All will make sense in the context of the fanfiction.

There will be various trigger warnings throughout the story. I will try my best to include them at the beginning of the associated chapter, or before the noted section. Content warnings for this story include: major character death, demonic possession, emotional manipulation, blood, stabbing, suicidal talk and intent, alien creature, fire, trance-like state, child endangerment, and explosives.

The picture used on this story's book cover is titled "Fire at midnight 1", and was taken by Tobias Vemmenby. It can be seen on Flickr using this link: (https://www.flickr.com/photos/toobydoo/3110559709/). 

The image itself has been enlarged and centered according to the cover's needs. The license attached to the photo allows me to remix, edit, and use this image how I see fit, but it does not indicate that Tobias Vemmenby endorses my use of it. I am allowed to use this image under Creative Commons License Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).

And here's some music that really vibes with the story!! :D

Thank you for reading through this disclaimer! I know it's not very fun, but it had to be done. This story is dedicated to my followers, and to all who have supported me thus far. I cherish each and every one of you. Thank you, and please enjoy! <333


Midnight Arson (Platonic! Ranboo x Tubbo)Where stories live. Discover now