Hide and Snake

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A week later, Sofia and Hugo were getting ready for gym class. Sofia was flipping on the balance beam while Hugo was putting on his gym clothes. Suddenly, everybody heard Hugo screaming, "SNAKE!" The whole gymnasium was completely quiet.

Hugo came running out of the locker room and cried, "Coach, there's a snake on the loose!"

Everybody gasped in horror.

"There's an actual snake in the locker room, my boy?" the gym teacher gasped

 Hugo explained that he never actually saw the snake, but he found its shed skin in his locker in the locker room. The snake wasn't in the locker room anymore, which meant that it went loose on campus.

"We need to tell the fairies right away," Sofia said. She and Hugo immediately told the fairies about the snake being loose on campus. For safety reasons, the fairies had the school on partial lockdown, and the lockdown would last until the snake is found.

"Miss Fauna, would it be alright if some of us helped look for the snake?" Sofia asked.

The fairies were a little surprised.

"I'm not so sure about that, Sofia," Hugo said. "Judging by the size of the snake skin I saw in the locker room, I have the feeling that the snake is really big."

"It could be dangerous, Sofia," said Fauna. "But on the other hand, you're surprisingly good with animals. I suppose you can help."

"Do you want me to help, Sofia?" Hugo asked.

"Hugo, you don't even like snakes," Sofia whispered.

"I know, but your family wouldn't like it if I left you to handle a snake by yourself," Hugo whispered. "Besides, they don't even know you can talk to animals."

"That's true," Sofia agreed. "Okay, let's do it."

During the snake hunt, Sofia and Hugo were at the flying derby race track, looking for the snake. Hugo was a little scared of finding the snake.

"Are you okay, Hugo?" Sofia asked.

"Not really," said Hugo. "I'm afraid of what the snake will look like because big snakes can be dangerous. I just really hope it's not a King Cobra."

"What's a King Cobra?" Sofia asked.

"Only the biggest poisonous snake in the whole world, that's what," said Hugo.

Sofia felt bad for Hugo, and she really wanted to help him. "I'm here for you, Hugo," she said, taking his hand. "Let's both stay together until somebody finds that snake."

"Okay," said Hugo with a smile.

After some time, Sofia and Hugo saw the snake, and he was horrified.

"It's an anaconda snake," said Hugo. "It's one of the biggest snakes in the world."

Thanks to Sofia's magical amulet and Hugo's animal hearing aid, they could both hear the snake say,  "And I'm a nonpoisonous snake. I won't hurt you, young prince."

Putting his fear of snakes behind, Hugo went up to the anaconda.

"Yeah, you're not scary, Mr. Snake," Hugo said.

"Snakes can be misunderstood, especially us big ones," said the anaconda.

"Sorry, but you've sent Royal Prep in an uproar," said Sofia.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said the anaconda. "I didn't mean to scare anybody."

"But what have you been doing here in the first place?" Hugo asked.

"One of the princes stuffed me into one of the lockers in the princes' locker room," said the anaconda.

"Do you remember what this prince looked like?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, he had blond hair, and he was wearing a green jacket," described the anaconda.

Sofia and Hugo thought about this, and Sofia said, "I think I know whom you're talking about."

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