Reacting to a stranger flirting with sole

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"Get back before you get your nose bloodied, fucker."

•Makes no bones about it- don't mess with what's her's.


"Ah, i see. You misunderstand. She/he/they are mine, au revoir!"

•She...she can be rude too, yknow?



•Danse doesn't really know what to do. His heart tells him to rush up to you and claim "mine" but he knows better than to embarrass you- and himself- with such foolish antics. So he just sort of waits silently, only jumping in if this stranger persists after you voice your discomfort.


"What the fresh hell? Do I need to get you a stick to beat them off?"

•Like always, tries to get through the uncomfortable situation with humor..ends up making everyone else very uncomfortable.


"You want your teeth knocked out your face? Keep talking to her/him and I'll fix ya right up."

•Honestly? It's a wonder he didn't just walk up and punch whoever was flirting with you when he realized what was going down.
•Easily the most jealous of them all..and maybe the easiest to become insecure about a relationship.


•Don't be shocked if he just straight up kisses your cheek and hangs all over you..he's not afraid to go crazy with it if it means his point gets across.


"Hey dude, knock it off. They're spoken for."

•He'd take it surprisingly well. With that being said, he still made certain to gesture to rifle resting harmlessly on his shoulder as he approached.


"*Ahem* Sentinel, I have matters of the upmost importance to discuss with you.."

•He'd try his damndest to look serious and calm- but you can tell from a certain glimmer in his eyes and redness to his nose- Arthur is furious.
•He hasn't had much experience with relationships, so he doesn't really know how to deal with the situation other than rip you away from this person.
•Might put a possessive hand on your back as he leads you away and the person watches- just a slight warning.


"So..who's the new friend?"

•Nick wouldn't confront the person, he'd have a level enough head and enough trust to just talk to you after the encounter.
•If anything, it somewhat amused him.
•Now if the person made you uncomfortable..that's a different story.


"Who's this?"

•She won't be outright rude..but you bet your ass she's coming in to interior whatever conversation you might be having with this person..hopefully to make them uncomfortable enough to give it up.


"Hey babe, is this one of your other friends?"

•Don't be shocked if he comes up, drops the whole "general" title and puts an arm around you. He isn't petty, but damn- he rather get it out there that you two are a thing so this doesn't happen often.


"I don't appreciate the advances you are making. Step away. Immediately."

•Gets easily jealous. Never good.

•Will use violence if necessary.

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