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Eleanor Roosevelt High School, New York 

"...And now, to give us his valedictory speech, let us all welcome and give a hand to this years valedictorian, Mr. Rafael Lucas Edwards!" 

Uproaring sound of applause and whistles filled the gym. 

There he is.. walking like a god towards the stage. It's like every time he walks, it's always in slow motion. Or maybe it's just me and my imaginative mind doing that. 

When he finally reached the stage, which seemed like hours for me after gawking at him, he shook Ms. Kendall's hand (our very old-fashioned and old-maid principal) and approached the microphone. He cleared his throat and eyed the people silently. 

He smiled and said, "You can all close your mouths now." 

Ow. I'm guilty there. I immediately closed my mouth while an astounding laughter then erupted inside the gym as the people realized what Raf was pertaining. 

Of course! He very well know that he's good looking and he also know that almost all girls in our school are drooling over him but these girls are very much aware that HE IS NOT, I repeat, he is not interested. Include me with those girls. The only difference with me and those girls is, I have the privilege to be with him almost every minute of his day. During lunch break, free time, assignment time, project time, reading and review time, ice cream time, movie time and sometimes... even sleeping time. Haha. 

"...It's been four years since I first step in this school..." My mind immediately zoned-out as Raf started delivering his speech as I remembered how I first met him also four years ago...


Startled, I stumbled on the carpeted floor, face first. "Instead of daydreaming, get your butt off that couch, start walking and go buy the things I need for our dinner if you want something to eat tonight!" said my ever active mom with that shrieking voice of hers coming from the kitchen.

"Alright dear mother" I said sarcastically, I staggered to my feet while touching my right cheek that hit the floor. "Ow!" I bet this will be a bruise later. Tsk. Tsk. 

I grabbed my blue cardigan from my room, tied my hair in a messy bun, put on my sneakers and went straight downstairs not bothering to look in the mirror because I know this is the best I could get. I shouted at my mom saying I'll get going. I walked out the door, into the porch and out and about in the busy streets of New York. 

When I arrived at a nearby grocery store, I immediately grabbed a push cart and went to the pasta section. My ever active mom will be making her famous carbonara (really... it's so delicious and mouth-watering just by looking at it). After getting all the ingredients that mom wrote in the list I'm holding, I decided to buy oranges for my twelve year old sister, Ruby, who have cough and colds. Oranges are usually given to sick people, I think? 

While I was walking towards the fruit section, a guy walked past me... and went to the racks with apples. 

Hmm... he smells so good. 

I tilted my head to the side examining him while he was busy examining the apples. 

He was facing sideways so I can't make out his whole face but I still continued staring at him. And why am I staring? I have no idea! 

Suddenly... he looked at my direction... then all of a sudden... everything stops.  

Thud. Thud. Thud. 

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