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Ari's POV (after Eric came back )

When I met Felix it was the best part of my life. Talking, playing, and being dumb asf after 2 am. Felix, one day left me forever. He just got up and left and never came back. I was back in that state again. But I had Eric until he went home and found out his parents died. I was alone again. I unfortunately went to school and I wasn't looking where I was going but that meant I had a new friend. Kevin Moon. Yes THE Kevin Moon. "O-oh I'm sorry! I'm new around here! I was trying to find the music room-" "don't, I know you're new just follow me. I'm Ari by the way! And I'm assuming you're Kevin?" I asked. He nods. I lead him to the music room and he thanks me. "Come find me when you need help? Hm?" He says. I get embarrassed and I don't pay attention and he leans in. "Umm-" I get cut off. He kisses me. Oh Eric isn't gonna be happy but imma not tell him. A couple days later Eric still isn't here. Dammit. I'm alone but at least I have Kevin. "Hiii Ari!!!" Kevin excitingly says. I giggle. He keeps doing it every day until Eric comes back. "Eric!!! Babe!!!" I run up to hug him but he stops me. What the hell? "Sohn Youngjae? Hello? It's me..." "shut up. Will you?" he replies. Kevin looks at me and Eric. "Eric what's wrong?" as I say with tears in my eyes. "Just shut up Ari!" he yells. I shut up and go to Kevin. Kevin hugs me and kisses my forehead. "W-what's wrong with me?" I ask Kevin. "Nothing is wrong with you Ari. He's just being a complete jackass right now. And if he can't see your trying to be a good person, he doesn't deserve you." "First Felix left me and now Eric, I say sniffing, please tell me what's wrong with him.."

Kevin's POV

Dammit Ari, there's nothing wrong with him or you. I put my head into her neck. "Do you want to go home? I can copy notes for you. Ok?" She replies "Kevin, can you take me home? I don't think I can make home with my mindset right now..." I take her home and tell her to call me if something happens. I leave and she cries. "P-p-please stay Kev. I can't explain to my parents.." I stay and she has a nice home. Only if we were together she wouldn't have this problem. Eric you f**ker!

Eric's POV

Dammit. I lost it on her. Sh*t! I run out to her house and who do I see? Kevin Moon, my old friend. He f**ked me over. He's with Ari, my girlfriend and the love of my life. "Kevin, let me see her. Now." "I'm afraid to tell that she doesn't want to be bothered by you right now. You told her to shut up Youngjae.- "don't call me that. Ever." "ARI! ARI! IM SORRY! PLEASE!" I start yelling. She comes to the door in sweatpants and a hoodie that I gave her. "Eric... please go away... I don't need to be bothered by you.." I kiss her. "Im sorry. My dad passed away and I needed to take a minute back I'm planning the ball for my crowning. Im so sorry Ari." "Kevin can you leave?" Kevin nods and leaves. Meaning me and Ari are about to have a conversation. "Eric.. I get that you needed a minute but you can't do that. To shut up was hurtful. Please don't do that again." "I promise I won't ever." I reply.


Eric kisses Ari one last time before leaving and she is still sad. Ari just wanted him. After being gone for a couple of years and then suddenly leaving she lost it. She cried for days. And when Kevin came she knew that it was a new chance at happiness. Until one night..

"L/N Ari, you are coming with me.."

Author note

So how was it?? I left you on a cliffhanger hehe. Guess you'll have to find out what happens soon. I don't when I'll be updating again. School just started for me and sometimes I get writers block. So lol! See y'all on the next update!!!!

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