Today I was walking down the hallway when I ran straight into the fat ass twink, Emmet. I tripped and fell, my face landing right in his ass crack. His massive cheeks almost smothering me, I get up and berate him. "useless fat-ass gay ass ugly ass stupid ass submissive and breedable ass twink *I roll my eyes* get the frickety frackety out of my way >:( I need to get home to call random people slurs in fortnite *I attempt to kick him out of the way, but sprain my toe on his massive badonkadonk (and maybe start crying)*". Walking away, I can't help but think about his humongous cheeks and how they nearly suffocated me. "No, Gunnar, he's super gay (and sexy)(oh shit) and you're not >:( stop thinking about those cheeks sent from heaven" I whisper to myself as I homophobically open my locker.
Emmet x Gunnar Ligon ms gay fan fic
Fanfictionshy twink emmet has massive juicy crush on "homophobic" gunnar, who's really just hiding his feelings for is smol widdle uwummet