He was still dragging me through corridors checking the cloak was still working we slowed down a bit as we saw filch then carried on walking towards a quiet corridor. Then my eyes were covered and I was dragged into a room I could hear the door shut but something about the room felt odd as if it had appeared out of nowhere. suddenly a voice echoed across the room "So, Sirius you can uncover his eyes now." I felt the hand that had been flung over my eyes move and started to blink to get used to the light from the room, there in front of me were four boys recognisably Remus who was stood up by the far wall, then James who had his arms crossed stood to the left of Remus and then finally Sirius who had quickly walked to position in front of me. I could feel all of their eyes staring at me then James sparked the conversation " we think that wormy has been talking to death eaters" he paused and fixed his hair before carrying on "we saw him in the forest with them." Remus stepped forward by one spot and looked at the two of them and then back at me "we want to know if you have seen him with any death eaters?" My mind flooded with memories of that horrible meeting my cousin called me into, walking through the door and seeing Peter there with a grin that soon faded as his gaze fell onto me then he leaned back as an attempt to hide himself " yes I've seen him" Remus , James and Sirius looked at each other with a look of sorrow or rather betrayal. "When did you see him?" James added in "I saw him the summer Sirius ran away, he was sat at the table with the others with a grin on his face, Bella called me through and mother ushered me to the kitchen door." They all had a look of deep solemn as the trust they had been building all of these years had been shattered within only one summer.
"Thank you reg." James spoke as if he was choking back tears. Remus took a minute to calm himself down before asking another question "have you seen him in the common room? Or walking about in school with them?" "I saw him talking to Lucius and Severus about something."
"Reggie." Sirius said quieter than usual, the others had left and it was just us two "do you think, you will come to stay with me and James? I don't want you to be placed into their hands." "I am going to stay with you and James, I was talking to Euphemia when they were in the hospital wing. "Good oh and meet me after the quidditch match I'll be behind the stands waiting with James." "Okay." We all clambered under the cloak and went into the library as it was quieter in their than usual so we could pretend nothing had happened.

A hidden story
Fantasyjegulus (james x regulus) this starts off from regulus' perspective and then slowly becomes james and regulus' perspective as their relationship blossoms. starting from regulus' fourth year at hogwarts and james' fifth year when the two meet occasio...