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My eyes widened in terror as I realized the man restraining me was Dimitri.

One of the guards my own brother had hired to protect me in this isolated compound.

Why was he threatening me like this?

I froze, too shocked and afraid to even attempt begging for my life.

The man's rancid breath washed over me as he leaned in closer, his free hand starting to roam in a sickening caress.

"Been waitin' for a chance to get you alone, princess," he rumbled darkly. "You got no idea the favors I pulled to get assigned as your...protector." A whimper escaped past his restraining palm as his cruel intentions dawned.

Of course - here in this isolated hellhole, I was utterly at the mercy of any depravity these men desired.

Helpless tears slid down my cheeks as flashes of childhood lessons on survivalist books mocked me - this was the "worst case scenario" I'd been afraid of, now inescapably real.

Just as his hand clamped around my throat, cutting off desperate gasps, a booming voice suddenly shattered the sickening tableau.

"Get your fucking hands off her right now before I put my bullet through your goddamn skull!"

My eyes flew open.

It was my boyfriend.

I felt both relieved and confused.

How did he get here?

I couldn't believe my eyes as my boyfriend burst into the room, his voice filled with rage and authority.

The guard's grip loosened, shock registering on his face as he turned to face this unexpected threat.

My heart pounded in my chest as the scene unfolded before me. How had my boyfriend found me here, in this desolate place? Questions swirled in my mind, but in that moment, all that mattered was his presence, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

With a snarl, the guard released me, backing away with his hands raised in a defensive gesture. My boyfriend wasted no time; he pulled out his gun and fired a single shot, hitting the guard square in the chest.

The guard fell to the ground with a thud, clutching his chest, his eyes wide with shock. My boyfriend moved swiftly, his expression steely as he approached the fallen man, ensuring the threat was neutralized. I stood frozen in place, my mind struggling to process the whirlwind of emotions crashing over me. How had my boyfriend even known where to find me? And why had he taken such drastic measures to rescue me?

As the adrenaline began to ebb, I found my voice trembling as I spoke up, "How did did you find me?"

My boyfriend turned to face me, his gaze softening as he reached out to gently cup my face in his hands. Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of his words sank in.

Despite the danger, despite the risks, he had come for me. A surge of gratitude flooded my heart, mingled with a newfound sense of security in his unwavering love and protection.

Pulling me into his arms, he held me close, whispering words of reassurance against my hair. I gazed up at him, stunned. "But how did you even find me?"

"It doesn't matter, you are safe now." he replied.

I glanced downward at the corpse beside me, my expression twisted in revulsion. My boyfriend's gaze followed mine, his expression hardening as he surveyed the fallen guard.

With a grim determination, he reached down and swiftly relieved the man of his gun, tucking it into the waistband of his own pants. "I will take care of this," he whispered, his voice low but resolute.

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