The dream

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Authors note: i enjoyed writing the first chapter but that's not the original version. Sadly i was an idiot and got the original version deleted :(. Oh well enjoy ;).

George's pov:
Suddenly I felt myself fall, just like always. This was another one of those annoying dreams which reminded me of him. I didn't want to be reminded of the things that he did. In fact I don't like sleeping at all. All it does is bring me back to my past and cause me mental and physical pain.

He showed up in front of me. I don't want to look at him, I don't want to stare at the same smiling mask that was the thing some people saw before their inevitable end. I wanted to cry ,I didn't know what to do.

All the screams were playing through my head. Their pleads for his mercy, them calling out to me. As if I could do something. I'm the only reason he killed them so brutally. Im the real murderer. If I never existed , then he'd never have taken those peoples lives. But that's what happened. Now their just soul less bodies that have nowhere to go,nothing to say and nothing to look at. All because of me.

The figure walked up to me without me noticing, obviously since I was drowning in my thoughts. The screams only got louder. I walked back a bit in shock as i felt an ice cold touch on my warm arm. He wanted my attention. I looked up.

It wasn't what i normally saw in this kind of dream, normally I'd see the same sheet white mask with two holes as eyes and a smile. Usually covered with a bit of blood and a bit of golden hair stick over the top of the mask. This time it was different.

I was met with a pair of eyes. Staring at me, or more into my soul. It was as if he was looking through me. He noticed i was checking out his features and smiled. This wasn't the man that's killed others. This was someone before that, this wasn't dream or dre or any of his other names. This was just clay. An innocent man who just wanted to play Minecraft with his friends and stream.

Of course I've known him for a long time but i couldn't remember how old he was when he looked like this. It seemed to me it was around the age we met.

He was young and full of life, it was refreshing to see him so lively and happy, but it wasn't him i wanted to see the real dream. Not the one that i hoped he stayed as. Sadly dream didn't stay for long. The room filled with eyes all different colours staring at me, voices could be heard miles away whispering. It's was very strange but i got used to the noise afterwards.

Out of all the voices none really seemed to stick out at me, other than one. This voice wasn't a voice that sounded like someone he's murdered. This one was much younger and was happy instead of screaming. I couldn't see where it was coming from but i could hear it clearly over all the screams.

It didn't plead for help or to be saved, all it said was "hi George, haven't seen you in a while you should come over". It kept repeating those same words over and over and over until i started recognising the words. That was dream. It was the last conversation we had before i moved to Florida, before he killed for me.

But i don't blame it fully on myself, it's his fault too. He thought that if he killed people for me,I'd finally give in and let him have what he wanted. But i didn't. So what did he do? He started murdering, because that's what you do when you don't get what you want apparently.

Back to present time
"Georgee", called out dreams voice. Oh no. He wanted me to look up again, he wants to make eye contact with me. His cold skin touched my shoulder. It sent shivers down my spine. I don't like this he's going to get my attention and I'll have to look at him.

Third person pov:

The way dream called George's name sent shivers down his spine, it was so creepy and weird especially with the fact that he was a murderer.

He kept on calling George's name and tapping his shoulder. He was trying his hardest to get George's attention but it's clearly not working. Why would it? This dream traumatised George last time because he decided to look up once the taps got annoying.

Flashback, George's pov:
He kept on tapping my shoulder, calling my name,asking for my attention. I don't know why, it's kind of stupid. He already has what he wants so why should he ask for more of my attention?

I thought he only used me for my privilege, but apparently not. "Georgee~" dream called out to me again. What the fuck? What's wrong with him? Doesn't the dream version of him not know what he did? Stupidly I looked up, finally giving in on the calls and tapping. It was really annoying.

As soon as I looked up a tall figure appeared in front of me. But it wasn't a face. It was a ceramic white mask with two small holes and a midnight black painted on smiley face. The mask was slightly cracked revealing an almost withered and slightly grey skin. Of course i knew it was his peach coloured skin but it just looked withered.

I stumbled back at the sight, "what the fuck? Dream?". I shouldn't have said that. As soon as the last word left my mouth a cold hand that felt like it belonged to a dead body grabbed my neck. "Hello George", answered a raspy voice, it sounded like he has been screaming for years.

I stared at him in fear, what am i going to do now? Was he going to kill me? I couldn't breathe. His grasp didn't get any tighter but he slowly lifted me up. Now my feet were not touching the ground. I'm definitely going to die. I could feel the life draining out of my weak body.

Is this really how I'm going to die? It shouldn't be. It can't be. It's not fair. I can't die, I'm supposed to live until his realise.

But so I want that now? Do I?

Word count:1069
A/N: haha cliff hanger because it's at funny number words. The next chapter is going to be continued in past tense because I wanna do that bit. Also sorry if I made any spelling mistakes in the last one, English isn't my first language and I didn't proof read :( Anyways see ya next chapter byyee <3

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