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All except sid and janu: No way are we playing truth or dare. It's getting boring now.
Sid looked at them amused.

Faisu: Okay then let's play truth or dare but with some twist.

Sid: What twist🤨

Reem smirked.

Reem: I guess I know what you are thinking fais.

Everyone looked at her and fais.

Janu: Faisu speak up. What twist🤨

Faisu: Spin the bottle but you won't get an option to choose truth or dare.

Reem: It should be the truth. If the person don't want to answer the question then he has to do a dare which is compulsory. You can't back off from the dare😏

Faisu: So think carefully before taking the dare option😏

Sid: If we choose dare then the dare will not be to answer the question right?

Reem: Obviously no sid😂😂 What's the point of taking the dare then😂😂

Everyone laughed at that. Sid made a poker face. Avneet found that really cute but she realized what she is thinking and scolded herself for thinking such a thing.

Sid: I was just asking. Who knows if you tell me to answer the question for the dare😑

Janu: Don't worry. No one will do that to our innocent Sid, right guys🤪???

All except sid and janu: Right😂

Sid: Okay okay stop laughing.

Ashu: Hey bhai....What if we call dada, di and sumi?? It's been really long since we met and hangout together. And now you too will hangout with our group so even dada, di and sumi can hangout with us. We all will have lots of fun together.

Hearing that, Bhavu and avu shared a look whereas sid was thinking about what to do.

All except avu, bhavu and sid: We are fine with it. It will be fun.

Ashu looked at the three of them. Avu saw ashu's puppy face and she sighed. Bhavu understood.

Avu/Bhavu: We are fine too.

All looked at sid except avu. She didn't bother to do so.

Sid: Fine. Let's call him and see if they can come or not.

Miku: What about your dad sid?

All gave each other a concerned look.

Sid: Don't worry miku. I will handle him😉

Everyone chuckled.

Sid dialed abhi and abhi picked up his call on fourth ring.

Phone conversation:-

Abhi: Hello! Is there anything urgent chote? You went to meet ashu and you never call me when you are with her. Is everything alright?

Sid: Relax Dada. I am fine and I am with ashu and her friends and boyfriend. They all are really good.

Abhi: Glad to know that. But then why did you call me?

Sid: We decided to get to know each other better and we were just thinking of hanging out more often. Ashu wanted you, sumi and di to join us too from now on.

Abhi: But chote you know...

Sid: No buts and ifs....You never get to spend some time with ashu when I was gone. She moved out for that reason. She became lonely there. Now I am here and I am not going to let her feel left out with no one of us with her. So you, sumi and di are coming. That's final. No further discussions on it. Cancel all your meetings of today.

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