Chapter 11: Deidre

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Ugh What time is it? I shouldn't have had so much wine last night. I think to myself as I pull back the covers to get up. As my feet touch the floor, I realize I don't have a rug beside my bed. I begin to look around me and realize I'm clearly not in my room or in my house for that matter. Which means, I clearly stayed the night with Michael. It's coming back to me now. Did I really ask him to sleep with me last night? I think as I look down. Oh s***. I'm in his shirt. Surely we didn't sleep together? Although, I'm not sure that that would be a terrible thing if we did. What the hell am I thinking? As I'm having my little mental meltdown, I glance up toward the door and see Michael leaned against the door frame."Good morning beautiful. How's your head?"

" Physically? It's doing fine. Mentally, maybe not so much. We didn't like.... do anything last night did we?" He raised his eyebrow as if to say really? I just smiled sheepishly at him. "I wouldn't do that. I'm more of a gentleman than to take advantage of a woman who's intoxicated." Well that's too bad.... I'm not sure I wouldn't have minded so much, but then again, I would love to be sober. I Wouldn't want to miss ANY of that.... It's been way too long!

"How long is to long?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

I wish the ground would swallow me whole right now. I'm scared to even think anything to myself anymore. I can't seem to keep it to myself when I do. Then again, just seeing that sexy smirk of his.... I may just blurt out my thoughts more often.

Suddenly, I hear Michael's booming laughter. I glance up at him trying to figure out what's so funny. Then, without a second thought, he says "I love your lack of filter!" As it dawns on me that I've done it once again. When he finally catches his breath from the robust laughter, he reaches his hand out towards me. I placed my hand into his as he pulled me upright. "I thought you might like some breakfast." He says with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back as I nodded, still trying to get my blush under control.

This man. This handsome, funny, sexy man. If I'm not careful I'm going to fall hard. I'm not sure I can take that chance again. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize we had made it to the table. It wasn't until he released my hands in order to pull out my chair that I looked at my surroundings. He had the table set with pancakes, bacon, grits, sausage and eggs. I mean damn, who all is eating? I sat in the chair and he walked around to the one across from me. "I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I just made a variety" he says. I couldn't help but to release a small laugh as I looked at all the food. "Who all is coming over for breakfast? This is enough to feed an army!" I said between laughs. "Just us beautiful. I am all man, I can likely eat most of this by myself, you know, if you can't handle it." I scoffed as I started filling my plate. Michael smirked as he started filling his as well. We ate out breakfast while making idle chit chat. Once we were both full, I got up and began clearing the dishes. He tried to stop me, but with a stern look, he raised his hands in a surrender position. That's what I thought. I mean, it's only fair, he cooked, I'll clean.

As I finished the last dish, I turned to see him staring at me heatedly. He was begging the kitchen island and had almost a painful grip on the edge. I raised a brow in question trying to figure out why he was looking at me so intently. He finally came to his senses after I cleared my throat and his eyes seemed to register what he was doing. "Everything ok there Michael?" He swallowed hard and nodded. He seemed almost disturbed by something. Finally, he made eye contact with me "Yeah. I just didn't realize what you were wearing until you started washing the dishes." I furrowed my brow in confusion until I followed his eyes making a trail down my body. As I did, my eyes got bigger and bigger.... Holy Shit! I'm still in his shirt.... Only in his shirt! I took off running up the stairs with a red face... All with the sexy sound of Michaels laughter playing in the background...

When I returned downstairs, Michael was sitting on the sofa. "I put your shirt in the hamper. Thank you for letting me borrow it last night." I said.  He turned his head in my direction and smiled. "I didn't mind. You look good in my shirt." I walked up behind where he was sitting and smirked at his comment. I slowly leaned down to his ear and whispered, in what I hoped was a sexy voice, "I look good in everything baby".... The look on his face was priceless. Then, before I even had time to register what he was doing, he had me over the sofa and on his lap. "I believe it." he says almost breathlessly. We both start moving closer to each other. And just as our lips are about to meet her asks me the question I've been hoping he would ask since almost the moment I met him... " Can I kiss you? " I didn't even try to respond, I just closed the distance between our lips. There was no battle for dominance. No clumsy teeth clashing. Just perfection. It was as if we were made for each other. I was, with a doubt, experiencing the best kiss of my life.

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