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drugs drugs oh the drugs 

drowning in the pills taking another puff

sniffing, puffing, swallowing..

drugs drugs oh the drugs.. they wear off what now? 

ill take a bow, the act I put on when I'm not on drugs when I'm not hitting another puff

ill take a sigh only to see, could that so be? more smoke out of my mouth a blunt in my hand? 

another strand another line I find myself snorting.

my friends watching cheering me on what could go wrong.

drugs drugs oh the lovely drugs fill my lungs with this love

fill my nose with the powder fill my blood by the hour.

the blood pure drugs my lung as black as the night sky

my heart throbbing for more but I cant get up... "get up" i say 

"GET THE FUCK UP" I beg to the god I believe in so little

I never got back up.

oh everything ive done. who knew it would hurt so bad.Where stories live. Discover now