A/N- Thanks to the people reading this so far!
Asami had the bright idea of checking the pockets of forest close to the mayor's office, seeing as Tenzin usually had business there. She also got us there in record time with the new Satomobile model she recently designed.
We came to a halt at the entrance of a pocket of forest because of the sizable crowd swarmed around it. There were police officers, normal civilians and, most annoyingly, reporters.
We immediately scrambled out of the car to enter the forest, but were immediately stopped by a herd of wild and dangerous reporters.
"Avatar Korra! There have been recent reports of an Air bending family being abducted by spirits! Can you confirm these events?".
"Avatar Korra! What do you propose to do about this?".
"Is this the consequence of you not getting rid of the spirit vines after harmonic convergence?".
"If one of the highest class of families has been abducted, what does this mean for the normal civilians of Republic City?".
I felt slightly guilty and dizzy from all the questions the reporters were shooting at me. Did they really believe it was my fault? Maybe it was, since I never found a way to get rid of the vines...
Before I blasted them all into outer space, Asami grabbed my wrist and pushed past the crowd. "Back off, all of you! No more questions!".
Mako, being a police officer himself, knew how to cut through the crowd easily, which enabled us to get to the front and into the pocket of forest before things got too hectic.
We immediately put up our guard as we cautiously walked through the cracked pavement of the forest pocket.
I thought the spirits might direct me to where Tenzin and the others were, so I waved to a cluster of spirits near us. "Hey, I'm Avatar Korra. I'm on an important mission and I need your help," I stated, impressively.
Strangely, when the spirits noticed me, they whispered to each other and vanished.
At first I was confused, but then I grew frustrated. I kicked a piece of rubble. "Why do spirits always seem to hate me?" I grumbled, frustrated at everything. Asami and I were supposed to go on our trip today, instead here we were, stumbling through a bunch of overgrown weeds!
"Y'know, the spirits also vanished when Kuvira was using the vines," Mako commented thoughtfully. "We should keep going".
"Shut up Mako, i'm not in the mood for your pep talks," I snapped at him.
Suprisingly, he did.
After about thirty more minutes of meandering down vine covered pathways and piles of rubble, I heard a faint rustling sound. I spun my head to see a hefty spirit vine right above Asami's head, poised to strike.
"Watch it, Asami!".
My instinct kicked in as I airbended Asami out of the way. The vine narrowly missed her and hit the pavement with a sickening thud.
That's when a dozen vines rapidly snaked towards us from every direction. I quickly made an airbending sphere, just like the ones I used to race with Tenzin's kids, and trampled about five vines. This momentarily paralyzed them, enabling Bolin to leave some lasting marks on them with his red hot lava spike.
I grinned at Bolin, feeling a brief moment of triumph. That, however, ended when I spun around to check on the others.
Behind me, Mako and Asami were sweating under the pressure of taking on six spirit vines. As they were advancing closer and closer, I gave them a hand. I water bended all the water from a nearby pipe leak and drenched the vines. Then, Asami and I darted around the vines, making them pursue us and tangle together. Mako and Asami then electrocuted the vines. Mako with his bending and Asami with her glove she got from her father and the Equalists.
The vines writhed in pain, then hastily retreated to the depths of the abandoned buildings.
I thought they were all gone, so I pushed the hair out of my face. I didn't realise that one more vine was slithering towards me and wrapping its tendrils around my feet.
"Watch it, Korra!".
Asami spotted this and pushed me into a pile of rubble before electrocuting the vine, causing it to jerk back to its hiding place.
"Thanks," I said, accepting her hand to help me up.
She laughed good-naturedly. "Don't sweat it. You did that for me a few minutes ago".
I was just about to say something badass and suave, but Bolin interrupted me (again).
"Hey, what's that glowing, greenish light? It's coming from that old factory!".
We ran towards the light (not that kind of light) and into the factory. We were met with exactly what we expected.
Neon green light pulsed from six pods glued to the wall. Slime oozed from them and were half masked by thick vines wrapped around them. Each pod had a member of Tenzin's family captured in it, crouched down and unconscious.
"Be careful, they might grab you too," warned Mako.
"Yeah, no shit, bro," muttered Bolin under his breath.
We stepped forward, our hands up and defensive in case of another attack. I rubbed some slime in between my fingers. Disgusting.
Bolin placed a hand on Rohan's pod. Tenzin's youngest child. He seemed too small and too innocent to be caught up in any of this madness. "We have to get him out of here. He's got a whole lot of life ahead of him. So do the other kids," said Bolin, slightly upset.
"Of course we're going to get them out, little bro," replied Mako reassuringly, placing an arm around his shoulder.
"We need to go back to air temple island, grab some gear and go though the spirit portal at the heart of the city. We'll be able to get them out from there if the journey goes well," I said demandingly.
"Do we need a team to go with us? Maybe some of Lin's officers-" began Mako
"No," I interrupted. "We can't bend in the spirit world so her officers won't be nearly as useful there. Plus, a bigger party will only make us more noticeable".
Mako agreed. "Okay then, just the four of us-", he smiled for a second. "Just like always".
Asami nodded. "Let's go bust out some airbenders".

Journey to the spirit world (Korrasami)
FanfictionAsami and Korra are exhausted after defeating Kuvira and are both excited and nervous to spend time together on their holiday to the spirit world. But, when Tenzin and his family are snatched up by some spirit vines, team Avatar band together for ye...