Giyu POV
Everything in my body feels heavy...and it's hot...I opened my eyes and slowly let them become adjusted to the light to look around. not my room.
"(Y/n)?" I called out. I heard stumbling and then footsteps coming towards the room.
The door was opened and a disheveled looking (y/n) walked in.
"Yes?" She answered.
Slowly, I sat and propped myself against her headboard while she walked over to me and placed her hand on my forehead.
"Mm you're still warm...are you feeling okay?" She asked me.
"I think I'm fine.."
"The last time you said that, you passed out on my couch which forced me to carry you all the way to bed."
I gave her a surprised look.
"You carried me here?" I asked her.
"Well, more like you crushed me when I tried to lift you up and so I dragged you across the floor." She smiled.
"Are you hungry? I made soup but you fell back asleep...I can heat it up for you."
(Y/n) slid her hand down and cupped my cheek, I leaned into it out of habit.
"If I'm being honest, I don't have much of an appetite right now...I kind of just want to nap again." I said placing my hand onto hers.
"Okay, I guess I'll leave you here to-"
"With you." I smirked.
I began tugging at her arm to pull her in next to me, but she slightly fought it.
"Giyu if I sleep next to you you'll get even more warm than you already are." She said
"I don't care."
"You'll be uncomfortable."
"We've slept in weirder positions." I retorted.
"I'm going to get sick."
"More time to spend with me."
(Y/n) let out an exasperated sigh and placed her hands on her hips.
"So...are you going to nap with me?" I asked.
(Y/n) fell to her knees with a dramatic sigh this time.
"...10 minutes."
"30 minutes."
"20." I said.
(Y/n) groaned and rested her head against the bed frame.
"Fine...20 minutes, and then you eat something." She said
"Hey I never agreed that." I ran my fingers through her hair.
"You'll eat something, because it'll make you feel better. If you don't eat, I don't nap."
(Y/n) stood up with a smile and walked to the other side of the bed, she scooted her way in next to me and pulled the blanket up to her chin.
I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into me.
"You're warm." She said.
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.
"For you yes." She chuckled.
"Well you're cold."
" that a bad thing?"
"No actually, it feels quite nice." I answered.
(Y/n) giggled some more before turning to face me with a warm smile. She looked at me for sometime.
"What?" I asked, a small smile forming on my lips.
"Nothing, you just have really pretty eyes."
A small blush appeared on my face, luckily for me I was sick so it should be hard to see.
"Aw..did I make your heart flutter?" (Y/n) asked teasingly.
"Bet I can make your heart flutter." I said.
(Y/n) looked at me skeptically.
"I can." I defended.
The (h/c) coloured girl looked at me even more skeptically.
Your POV make my heart flutter regardless...but that doesn't mean I'll show it.The sick man looked me in the eye before leaning in and pressing is lips against mine.
Surprised, I closed my eyes and embraced it. The way his lips moved against mine felt magical.
Then I remembered he was sick ad he moved to kiss under my jaw.
"'re still sick..." I breathed as he kissed the side of my neck.
"Be sick with me then.." He said nipping at my skin.
Small whimpers escaped my lips as he stayed in one spot. Giyu pulled me closer to him, one hand on the small of my back and the other tilting my chin up so he can access better.
"You know I can't..I have work tomorrow." I said lightly pushing his chest.
"It'll be fine..." My clingy fiancé insisted.
His lips moved down and his hand moved my shirt over to kiss my shoulder. I shivered at his touch.
"Is your heart fluttering yet?" Giyu asked in between kisses at barely a whisper.
I sighed out a quiet "yes.." and he slowly stopped, kissing my lips once more.
"Good, now...let's just sleep. I'm tired."
"I love you.." He whispered.
"I love you too.."
Giyu placed his arms lazily over my waist and placed his chin atop of my head. His breathing slowed and I knew he had fallen asleep.
My face was beat red as I lay there next to him. The feeling of my heart pounding against my chest from what went down.
And he thinks I'm good at teasing...
I listened to his heart beat and felt comforted for some reason. The feeling of his chest rising and falling was relaxing, and soon enough, I fell asleep.
20 minutes later
My eyes fluttered open, and my eyelids felt heavy. Giyu was still holding onto me as he continued sleeping."Giyu.." I answer, "Giyyuu."
I gently shook him and his eyes opened as he stretched.
"Yes?" He asked.
I placed my hand on his cheek to check his temperature again, it was still warm.
"Are you feeling okay? Any better?" I asked.
"I feel a little bit better..but are you okay?" He asked placing his hand on my cheek.
"Yeah? I'm fine.."
"(Y/n)'re burning up now."
I felt my eyes go wide and my head started pounding.
"You. Got. Me. Sick! What did I tell you!? Now I can't go to work tomorrow!"
Giyu clossed his eyes and chuckled nervously.
"Whoops!? Whoops my ass you meant to get me sick now didn't you!"
All the yelling made me cough since my throat was dry. Giyu sat up and doused one of the towels with water, he then placed that towel on my head after I stopped coughing.
"'ll tear your throat open if you yell anymore, try to rest." He said as he caressed my face.
I looked at him with a very upset face, but on the inside I was gushing out how he was trying to take care of me.
"Make sure you place one on yourself too then..."
Giyu did as I said and placed a wet towel on his forehead. He laid down and slightly turned his head towards me so he could see me.
"So...what do we do now?" He asked.
I had no idea what to do other than sleep it off. That's usually what I did when I was sick.
"Nothing I guess..." I said.
Silence filled the room and I felt my eyes slowly close again.
"Sooo....wanna make out?"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And there is the end of Giyu being sick thing! I think I want to do a Halloween special next even if it's not actually Halloween so let me know what you think I should do for that!I hope you enjoyed this week's chapter, I personally thought it would be cute to make Giyu clingy when he's sick rather than have him be his usual stoic self.
Have a fantastic day/night and stay hydrated!
Stay hydrated x2!
Word count 1261 words