Chapter 9

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I stopped attacking Jackie and Ashton with kisses and wandered around the table, the scent getting stronger and stronger until I finally came in contact with a wet nose. I looked up at the dog. I sniffed. A girl, nearly one year in human years, and God she was taller than me, not many dogs are. I whimpered and my tail went between my legs. She gave a low warning growl escaped her lips. I whimpered again and took a slow step back while she took one forward, only to be hit on the nose by Jackie. 

"Daisy, No. Calm down. This is Sandy, she is a lot younger than you so stop acting like a baby and grow up. Look at her, the poor thing, look how scared she is" Jackie scowled. Daisy looked at Jackie and did her own doggy scowl, she then lifted a paw to her sore nose and began rubbing it. I looked at Daisy again. She didn't seem anywhere near as menacing as she had looked before. My tail came out from between my legs and my ears straightened themselves. I barked a playful bark and jumped into the playing stance. Belly on the ground, butt in the air and tail wagging like there is no tomorrow. Well in my case I hoped there wouldn't be a tomorrow because I just wanted to play with Daisy. She copied my stance and we started running around together, barking at tackling each other. Until Josie picked me up and took me over to the playground. She climbed the stairs carrying me in her arms so that I couldn't go back and play with Daisy who was following us up the stairs. My head reached around Josie's arm and made an annoyed look at Daisy who snorted in laughter. Josie carried me all the way to the big slide. Put me on top of the slide and pushed me down, then quickly grabbed Josie. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever felt in my life. I was too scared to whine as my paws scraped along the plastic surface.  As soon as I was down, I waited for a terrified Daisy to slide down after me and then together we ran as fast as our legs would carry us away from a giggling Josie. 


Hope you guys liked this extremely short chapter but I had to stop it here because I have a good idea for the next chapter. Thanks xx

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