Happiness in his name

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Young-soo: yoongi don't stressed yourself we can still find him it's not late

Young-soo comforting yoongi who is hugging him and crying

Yoongi: d-dad I am k-know he is ok but i c-can't just l-leave him there

Then the a call come in young-soo phone, he sigh

Young-soo: Namjoon take care of yoongi in a while I have to take this

Namjoon nodded then young-soo pick up the phone

Young-soo: hello, this min young-soo speaking

"Hi dad nice to talk to you well I found a little guy I hope you take care of him and of course i am coming with him so yeah and don't be sad I forgive you before so no need to say sorry , opens the door I will be in front of your house in any minute"

Young-soo: Kevin? *mumble*

But the phone call cut

Young-soo: hello?! Kevin!

As yoongi listen Kevin name he stop crying

Yoongi: Kevin? I-is he coming back and living with us?

Young-soo: idk but he was saying he coming with a guy

Yoongi mind: a guy?


Kevin: hoseok pack your things we are leaving

Hoseok: but where hyung?

"To your house"

Hoseok face towards the voice and it was hye-jin

Hoseok: what do you mean mom?

Hye-jin: well Kevin and I taking you back to yoongi

Hoseok face light up he simle brightly and Kevin heart drop seeing hoseok being happy just by yoongi's name

Kevin mind: why it is always me? Why? Can't hoseok love me like he do with yoongi only from his name it make him happy, I also want you hoseok as my lover I also thought about us being together but my dream shutters after knowing that you love with yoongi [ I wanf to hug him :( ]

Kevin was about to cry but he cut by hoseok big hug

Hoseok: thank you thank you hyung you are the best

Kevin is shocked and  face hye-jin, hye-jin nodded then he hug back hoseok, he felt comfortable in hoseok hug that is the thing he want a warm hug


Yoongi: but dad can you tell me why Kevin leave us?

Young-soo sigh remembering the thing he did to Kevin

Flashback (when Kevin was 14)

Kevin was playing piano and writing his own song but then he hear his room door open and see it was young-soo

Kevin: dad?

Young-soo didn't listen to him and push him across the room and take every single song of Kevin

Kevin: d-dad what h-happened? Why a-are you taking my s-song on the ground

Young-soo didn't listen anything and fire Kevin song, it make Kevin cry he was begging young-soo don't do that with him

Kevin: d-dad pls s-stop I make t-this from my self d-dad pls stop this f-fire

Young-soo grab Kevin face with one hand

Young-soo: no I don't want to as my son if  you didn't say no to study you never have see this you are useless you can't do anything and I am proud I have yoongi also go somewhere else I don't need you!

Kevin can smell alcohol and with that Young-soo leave him there and Kevin being a mess while crying from that day he left there house and join mafia gang

Flashback end

Young-soo: it was worst mistake I ever made in my life *crying*

Yoongi: don't worry dad if he come back just treat him great hmmm?

Young-soo nodded

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