Chapter 14

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After finally persuading the boys to vacate their room ("Go cuddle in your own rooms!"), Pansy and Hermione took turns in the shower, brushed their teeth side by side, and sat next to each other in Hermione's bed.

"Will you braid my hair, Pans?" Hermione asked softly, fighting her embarrassment.

"'Course, Mini." Pansy quirked an eyebrow. "Twin tails?"

Hermione flushed. "I can't believe you remember that. But... yes. Thanks."

Pansy settled behind Hermione, who nestled in between Pansy's thighs, and began gently running her fingers through Hermione's hair, working out the tangles.

Hermione sighed, relaxing back into her friend's chest. After a long, companionable silence, Hermione spoke, so quiet that Pansy almost missed it. "I'm kind of glad this all happened. I don't think we'd ever have been this close otherwise."

Pansy's hands stilled in her hair before they began moving again. "Yeah, me too." 

What Pansy didn't say was that she wasn't sure what she would do if Hermione started distancing herself. She'd gotten quite attached — dangerously so.

The girls sat in silence as Pansy brushed and braided Hermione's hair. Pansy took her time slipping on the hairbands, her hands lingering on Hermione's shoulders as she finished.

As Pansy began to pull her hands aways, Hermione caught one of them with her own. She laced their fingers together and settled deeper into Pansy's body.

"Just a minute more?"

Pansy breathed out some sort of affirmative response, not wanting to disrupt the moment. Hermione turned slightly, burrowing into Pansy's side. Pansy's finger moved in slow circles over the back of Hermione's hand.

Hermione tilted her head up, pressing a light kiss to Pansy's collarbone before snuggling her nose into Pansy's neck and fading into sleep. 


Pansy didn't get much sleep that night. Every time she started to doze, the ghost of Hermione's lips would wake her up and she'd wrap her arms a little bit tighter around Hermione's torso. Although the girl was very much her older self again, she'd developed a tendency of shrinking in on herself when she was sleeping.

Pansy was deep in thought as sunlight started filtering in through the windows. Hermione had practically been asleep when she kissed Pansy... did it mean anything? Would she even remember it?

Hermione groaned as her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes met Pansy's only a few inches away.

She smiled sleepily. "Hi, Pans."


After classes, Pansy, Hermione, Draco, Harry, Neville, and Blaise were strolling in the sunlight, alongside the lake. Harry stole Hermione to chat with her about something Gryffindor-related — or so Pansy assumed — and Pansy took the opportunity to talk to Draco.

"Hermione kind of kissed me last night."

Draco raised a regal eyebrow. "Kind of?"

"Well, it was just my neck-"


Pansy swatted at Draco's arm. "Stop that! Anyway, and she was half asleep, but it definitely happened. And we were cuddling at the time. What does that mean? What should I do?"

"Do you like her?"

"Don't be ridiculous and ask questions you obviously know the answer to."

Draco laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Really, it's up to you, but I think you should tell her. I can' be sure, of course, but I think she likes you, too."

"Really?" Pansy asked, trying to mute her excitement. "What makes you think that?"

"Pans, dear, I don't know if you've noticed, but she barely lets you out of her sight. She always wants to be around you. And you may've sent us to out of your room last night to cuddle in our rooms, but I know that you haven't slept in your own bed in weeks."

Pansy blushed, her eyes falling on the girl in question. "How did you tell Harry?" she said wistfully.

"I didn't have to tell him, he just planted a kiss on me."

"Must be nice. Hermione thinks before she acts, and we both know that Harry doesn't really do that."

Draco looked at his best friend appraisingly. "I don't know, Pans. Hermione kissed you last night, didn't she? Isn't that how this conversation started?"

"Well, yeah, but it wasn't a kiss kiss. And she was practically asleep!"

"Maybe you should seize some Gryffindor courage, then. We've been hanging out with the Gryffindors enough lately, surely something has rubbed off."

Pansy rocked back on her heels thoughtfully. "Surely."


That night, Pansy and Hermione were curled up on Hermione's bed, Hermione reading aloud a muggle novel. Pansy's fingers ran idly up and down Hermione's arm. As Hermione finished a chapter, she turned her face up to look at Pansy. 

Hermione's breath caught as their eyes connected. Pansy slowly reached up — not wanting to disrupt the moment — and gently pushed a stray hair behind Hermione's ear. Her hand lingered by Hermione's cheek.

"Gryffindor courage," Pansy breathed.

She pressed her lips softly to Hermione's. Hermione froze briefly before responding, looping her arms around Pansy's neck and turning her body so that she could get closer. She tangled her fingers in Pansy's hair as Pansy's hands settled on her hips.

When they pulled away from each other, Hermione grinned at Pansy, who pressed another brief kiss to Hermione's lips. 



"I think I really like you."

"I think I really like you, too, Mini."

THE END (for now)

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