-"Why you just won't let me fuck that nigga up!?" Zander asked angrily.
"Z calm down please" I begged.
"That nigga killed my baby" he pointed out.
"We can always make another one" I pointed out climbing onto his lap.
"When you gon leave that nigga?" he asked and i rolled my eyes.
"Z we not having this conversation again" I replied getting up from his lap.
"Wait" he said grabbing my hand "you love me?" he asked raising his brow.
"yea i love you" I answered as a smile spread across my lips.
"Its nice to see you two together again" My mom said smiling "Sun hasn't been the same since you left" she added.
"I know i'm glad i came back" Kilo replied smiling.
"She works for me" I nonchalantly chimed in turning my attention back to my computer screen.
"How you been holding up?" Kilo asked my mom.
"I been tryna get through it, I've been going down to the church more often" my mom answered.
"That's-" Kilo started to speak.
"What the fuck!?" I exclaimed cutting Kilo off.
"Is everything good?" Kilo asked turning towards me.
"Nah" I answered shaking my head "Ma we gotta go" I continued to speak closing my laptop and getting up from the chair i was sitting in.
"Okay be safe and make sure y'all stop by again" she said waving.
"We will" Kilo replied before following me out the house.
We both got into my hellcat and the engine roared loudly as i started it up "Look at this shit" I said to Kilo opening my laptop and handing it her.
"What am i looking at?" she asked a little confused.
"That transaction right there" I replied pointing to the screen.
"Holy shit" She said in complete shock "why are you buying half a million dollars worth of dishes?" she asked.
"Not that one dumbass and it's China for my mom" I replied "this one" I continued pointing to the screen again.
"Oh damn" she said again in complete shock.
"Call Trouble and tell her we on the way" I said before shutting my laptop and pulling off.
"Someone wired a million dollars from your bank account to another off shore bank account" Trouble said stating the obvious.
"I didn't come over here for you to play captain obvious nigga tell me something i don't know" Sin growled.
"Who has access to this bank account?" Trouble asked as she typed away on the laptop.

Erotic City
General FictionSin is a businesswomen who is currently at the top of her game in the nightclub world, but her life soon gets shaken up by the death of her twin sister.