One last kiss.

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“I hope it’s a femme, I don’t think I could handle three mechs,” Nightstar said in a sarcastic tone. She let out a short laugh as Stormblazer pulled her down into his lap and kissed her neck.

“I hope it’s a femme so she can be just as beautiful as you,” Nightstar smiled and kissed Stormblazer. Love was felt over their bond making the moment that more special.

“Primus knows your sons have your good looks..Speaking of which,” Nightstar gave Stormblazer a quick kiss then sent a comm to her twin sons.  Nightstar got ready to leave to search for the boys but as she opened the door Megatron was there with her twins.

“Let’s try and keep the children out of the scientific wing..Shall we ?” Megatron shoved the two inside and went back to the bedroom to speak with Stormblazer. Nightstar could tell it was something important since Megatron shut the doors. Nightstar gave her sons a snack then grabbed a datapad, she hacked into a hidden camera in the room and watched.

She was confused as she saw Starscream and Soundwave both come into the room from the balcony. Starscream was badly beaten, energon stained parts of the floor. Soundwave remained silent and unharmed, like always.

“Stormblazer..You need to find and kill someone for me. Someone that may become a threat later on”

“Who is it my liege ?” Stormblazer asked as he cleaned the energon off Starscream.

“Zircon. I found that she had other interests and made her leave..The chances of her taking revenge are small but it’s not a chance I want to take. You can find her in the streets of Kaon.” Stormblazer nodded and watched the three mechs leave, he opened the doors to the bedroom then leaped off the balcony to find and execute Zircon. Megatron’s sparkmate.

Stormblazer saw the femme and quickly swooped down to the streets, Stormblazer knocked the femme into a dark alley and pushed her against the wall. Stormblazer put his blade against her, his spark froze as he saw her face, she was still young and it made him question his actions. Stormblazer knew Zircon was never a fighter.

“Take what credits I have, get some work done and change. Change everything, from this point on Zircon is offline. Go.” Stormblazer let go of Zircon but didn’t watch her leave. He couldn’t follow through with the order, he couldn’t kill someone who didn’t deserve it.


The sound of the alarm going off brought Thunderstar back to reality, she couldn’t help but laugh as she saw Shadow all curled up next to her. He was more like a dog than a wolf. Thunderstar didn’t mind, especially since her last encounter with Megatron. It had been a month and everyday her spark ached for him, it begged her to run to him but she couldn’t. He’s a monster.

She woke up Shadow and the two ran out to the main hangar to meet with the rest of team Prime. Thunderstar was given a ration of energon as Optimus started to inform team Prime of the situation.

“Last night Ratchet saw a large energon spike , he believes it could be Decepticon movement. We need to investigate. All of us.” Ratchet opened a ground bridge and Optimus went through first, the rest of team Prime followed behind. They came through on a hill looking down on some kind of cave.

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