After science class, I eagerly walked out of the room. In fact, I ran out. Maybe that sounds a bit overdramatic, but that is truly the way it felt. I was wanting out of there as soon as possible. Not only did I hate that class, stupid Mrs. Daley embarrased me in front of everyone. It could've been worse. Much worse.
So, off to my next class. I don't mind math as much as science. Except, my teacher is really rude to be honest. And then, she wonders why we don't like her. The other math teachers for th eleventh grade are actually nice. Yes, they do teach more, but they're actually nice to the students. I just got lucky with the fact that the class seemed to go by fairly quickly. I think the main reason is because we had to take a test that took the entire class period.
Now, off to geography. This was a class that I actually wanted to be in. Not only did I like both the teacher and my class in general, there was something else. Do you remember that thing ealier that I said that could be much worse? Well that thing is one of the other things I like about going to geography class. And, by that, I mean someone other than Grace.
I was writing the assignment in my agenda book something that would arguably end up being homework. As I was scribbling it down in my messy handwriting, I coud hear a group of people laughing outside the room. A group of guys. When the next person walked into the room, I swear I had to do a double-take.
Luke Helton.
Oh my god, you know that feeling like your brain is gonna collapse at any given moment? That seemed about the way things were for me.
Luke Helton.
Could he have a more adorable entry to the room? He came in with the biggest grin plastered on his face, obviously from whatever his friends had said. It was one of those smiles that made people see him as the cheeky guy. I honestly didn't want to know personnaly if he was cheeky or not. He shouldn't ever try that on me. He has eyes, he has ears, he has a brain. He's seen me before, heard me talk and laugh. It would be impossible anyway. He's too perfect.
Our teacher got up from his desk and started passing out our previous schoolwork. Lately, we had done a map of Europe. That made me wonder if Luke was from England or something. You know what people say: guys from the United Kingdom are so hot. And when I say, "so hot," I mean there are like thrity o's in "so." I looked at my map. Again, I had gotten another one hundred out of one hundred on it. I don't understand how people couldn't get a perfect grade on these. All you do on them is label where everything is and color it in correctly. We don't even have to draw the map, our teacher does that for us.
In the lesson, we learned about more European countries. Another thing I liked about geography was the fact that our teacher, Mr. Fulton, would always pick on Luke, putting him in the center of attention. Normally, he would always do that. If it wasn't Luke, it would be Erin Garner. She's one of the more popular girls, and despite that I don't know her personally all that well, I can tell she isn't one of the rude popular girls. I can tell because of just simple things. I've seen her in the hall helping a "nerdy" kid pick up his books. If she were one of the rude girls, Grace and I call them "witches," she would't do that. Not in romance novels, not in rech foutal life, not even in the land of Narnia.
I guess you want to know more about how Mr. Fulton picks on Luke. Well, today was the perfect example. You see, in Mr. Fulton's class, we have these worksheets that we have to fill out certain keywords linked to a film we're given. We were watching a film on England, so it wasn't like I was bored out of my mind. I enough keywords filled out on the lines, but I knew that didn't matter since we always go over these in class. After the film finished, Mr. Fulton walked away from his desk and to the front of the room with his own copy of the paper we were given.
In this particular class, we also have these "five themes of geography" that tie to a country's location or regions. One of the things that all into a sub-category is culture which include things like music or clothing or religion. That brings us to what Luke did.
"Okay, who can give me one of the things that could fall into the category for location?" Mr. Fulton asked. Instantly, Lukes hand shot up.
"I put down 'boybands.' Does that count?"
With that being said, the entire class was thrown into a fit of laughter.
"Luke," began Mr. Fulton. "Only you would say that." He shook his head in disbelief that Luke actually put that down. To see for himself, Mr. Fulton got up and look at Luke's paper. I swear, the look Mr. Fulton gave him after he walked away was priceless. It was like he was thinking, "Where did I go wrong with this kid?" That made us laugh even more.
So, that's Luke...

RomanceA girl keeps to herself throughout her high school year, mainly staying backed away from the one boy who she can't help but think is her soulmate.