Chapter 10

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It's about two minutes after he hung up. I sit on the cold floor in the stall, my head against the door, my hand between my legs, squeezing and rubbing softly. I can't help it. I constantly try to convince myself to move my hand away, but I can't. My forehead almost slips off the door because I'm sweating so much.

At some point, I stand up and take a few deep breaths. I can't go on like this. I walk out of the stall and start pacing around the bathroom, thinking I can successfully distract myself when my phone suddenly vibrates. I rush to get it out of my pocket and look at it.

Send me your location.

My shaky fingers tap the buttons to send him my live location without any hesitation.

u coming here??

Message seen. No reply. I take a few more deep breaths. I'm jumping around like an idiot, as if it would help. I can still feel it vibrating inside me, and it feels like it's getting hotter. I can still hear that damn bed railing hitting against the wall like crazy. I just can't mute it. I check my phone, but he's stopped answering. I splash freezing cold water on my face. My hair is stuck to my forehead, and the water is dripping from my chin when the door opens. I wince violently, trying to hide my boner with my hands.

He laughs when he looks me up and down. "God, you're adorable," he says, walking towards me. When I feel his warmth right in front of me, I can't hold back a soft moan. He's close enough for me to smell his perfume. "Do you want me that much?"

I take a shaky breath, nod, and my fingers bury into the fabric of his slightly damp coat. His fingers are buried in my hair and pull my head back. My mouth is open, hoping he will kiss me now. But his lips only brush over mine. "Please," I whisper desperately. "I'm begging you."

He grabs my shirt and kisses me so hard I can't help but moan and pull him closer, wanting to crush him because I'm so angry about what he's doing to me. As I dig my fingers into the biceps of his coat, his hand pulls my head back by my hair even more forcefully, so he can push his tongue deeper into my mouth. My hand reaches blindly to the left, trying to catch a doorknob. Before I can even open the door, he slams it open and pushes me into the stall. He closes the door, and I hurry to take off my pants, almost falling because it's too narrow for two people here. I can't even undo my belt because my hands are shaking so much. "Shit... Shit!"

When he undresses himself, he slaps my hands away and does it himself, pulling my pants and underwear down all at once. I stumble out. I move my hands back and try to pull out the thing that's still vibrating inside me. I have to put a leg on the toilet seat to get it out. He takes it away from me and pushes me against the toilet.

I stay in this position as he lets go of me for a moment. My breath is so heavy it sounds like I'm struggling to breathe. "Can I..." I whisper, trying to regain my voice. "Can I come?"

"I'll tell you when you can." I think he's using his spit on his cock, I can't see it.

I lean my head against the toilet box and try to catch my breath. "Can I swear?"

I feel his rough hands on my waist. "Stretch your fucking back." I hold onto the toilet box and do as he said, sighing in shock about the excitement when he touched me that roughly. "You can try," he says and I feel the tip of his cock on my hole. "If you're not busy moaning." 

He pushes it all in at once, so abruptly, and immediately starts moving fast, without hesitation, pressing my cheek against the lid of the toilet so hard that my constant moaning sounds muffled, and I only manage to mumble the words. "Fucking shit... Fuck... Yes..." Then he takes that damn, still vibrating thing and wraps it around my cock. I gasp for air. "Sh..." I can't even talk normally. "Sht..." I almost sound like I'm crying, but I don't think I am. He stays inside me but stops as he moves his hand back and forth on my cock with that thing, so fast I'm so close to coming, but I remember I can't.

"Please I..." I can only breath it out. "I'm gonna come..."

"Not yet."

"Fuck..." I lean my head against the lid, whining. "Please..."

"Not yet, Oscar," he says breathless, then moves a bit inside me. I start moving my body back and forth against his cock while his hands continue moving fast on mine. A sudden moan slips out of him right next to me. "You slut." The next moment, he lets go of my cock, grabs my waist, and thrusts in so hard and fast that my head bangs against the lid. I gasp, trying to hold onto anything I can—on the toilet, on the wall. "P... Please..."

He lets out a relieved sigh, but thrusting it in even faster. "Now."

"Don't stop," I moan. „Don't... hng... fuck...yes... y–"

He presses his hand to my mouth, pulling my head back. "Shut up Oscar," he hisses at me. I moan into his hand. I sound so desperate. I hear his hasty breathing right next to my ear, feel his sweaty hand on my mouth, feel him moving inside me and at the same time feel his hand moving fast on my cock. I groan, feeling the end coming closer, my legs giving in as I finally came, still mumbling breathless insults and swear words into his wet hand, realizing I must have drooled. It can't just be sweat.

I slowly realize what the hell just happened. I really feel like emerging from another world, still trying to come to terms with all this. I'm in the fucking bathroom at the dance studio while everyone thinks I'm feeling sick and my students are taught by someone else just because of this fucking asshole.

"Can I... swear..."

"I'll give you another minute," he breathes while we were still in the same position, unable to move.

"You fucking... goddamn... asshole."

He laughs next to my ear. "Careful. I'll get hard again."

"Fucking psycho," I breathe. "You're the... you're the worst fucking pervert I've ever met. Goddamn it. I can't... believe you fucking did this to me."

"You should be grateful I didn't wait until Friday."

"It's your fault I was in this stupid damn situation at all, what crazy jerk would make such rules? I think I... I think I've never been so horny in my whole fucking life. This, it was just... Fuck I can't breathe... It was just... you taking responsibility for what you... what you fucking did to me."

He takes a deep breath before pulling away from me. "You're welcome, brat."

"God, I hate you so much," I whisper when I try to sit up straight. "How much time have I left?"

"Ten seconds."

"You fucking bastard, fucking son of a bitch." I try to stand up, stumble and hold on the wall. "Shit... I'm fucking going to kill you, you piece of shit."


"I fucking hate you, you psychopath. Dickhead. Pervert."

"Time's up."

"Shit..." I look at his serious face. "Fuck, sorry. God, I fu... I hate this so much."

"You'll get used to it."

"I'll never get used to your stupid rules." Another stern look. "Sorry."

"So," he says, picking up that still vibrating thing, fishing out the remote control and finally turning it off. "You're now on two days again."

"I can live with that."

He smiles, pulling up his pants. "We'll see about that."

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