Chapter 1

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Hi i'm y/n l/n i was born mute i don't talk anymore and i'm different to everyone here (y/h/t) because my mother died by the fire and my father i didn't know much about him but he left my family and i stay in apartment and i have a money trouble.

My mom always wanna me to keep go but i try to keep going but i kept losing the money so i gamble for money. I meet this guys name gi-hun and he live with his mother and i decided to help him and mom so i move with gi-hun n his mother was nice to me for letting me stay at their apartment but i decided to help gi-hun mom cleaning, cooking, and pay the bill but gi-hun known that i was mute.

2 year ago

Me and gi-hun was eating while gi-hu mother is ready to go to work while i sit there and eat slowly.

"Um..Is this my daily allowance or what?" Gi-hun said

"No, remember Ga-yeong's birthday is today?" Gi-hun mother said

And i remember it was gi-hun daughter birthday today and i was going buy a stuff animal like panda or wolf that she always like them when we meet but gi-hun told me about his wife but i don't wanna to tell u guys about it.

Gi-hun sight

"Yeah. Of course, I do" he said

"And don't forget, go and get her..uh..something for dinner later" gi-hun mother said

"Well, I can't buy her a nice meal with these much. Time are tough." He said and i put 500 dollars to the table.

"Well see gi-hun your friend here always to help you with money and she always got your back" gi-hun mother said and i nodded it while y/n wasn't looking gi-hun always blushing when y/n was there for him.

"Y/n can buy Ga-yeong fried chicken that she like, you know" she said while grabbing her scarf and ready to go out

"Just chicken mom but don't you think i should get a present for her while y/n get the fried chicken" gi-hun said

"No! Y/n always buy her fried chicken and always getting her a gift because i'm broke and she always pay the bill for us" gi-hun mother said while grabbing the basket full of plants

I walk out the apartment because i can't dealing with it so left the apartment to go see Ga-yeong but her mom always see me and gave a look on her face but i ignore her.

I'm at Ga-yeong apartment while her stepdad is at working even she told that she moving to U.S.A. and she is going to tell her dad but she didn't and i went inside to go get her and i knock the door and i see a little boy at door so i use my note tell him.

I'm waiting for Ga-yeong and can you get your sister n tell her that y/n is here

I show him and he nodded

"Hey sis, y/n is here for you" little boy said and Ga-yeong ran n hug me. I smiled but i saw Ga-yeong mom give me that look again but i ignore it and wrote something on the note

Are you ready your dad is somewhere probably giving you a present for birthday and Happy Birthday Ga-yeong

Ga-yeong nodded her head that she is ready to go but her mother stop me before i take her out

"You! Mute freak! She is my daughter and she will see her dad while u should get out of here an-" she was saying to me but i turn around and i see her new husband was standing there and he saw and his face was getting red but he was mad that his wife called me a mute freak but i get use to it. I wrote something on my note

Ga-yeong are ready to go now

"Yea i'm ready y/n" Ga-yeong said and getting her stuff ready and i take her hand n bow down to her stepdad and left with Ga-yeong

While i was waiting for gi-hun to be here and her daughter is eat some fried chicken then gi-hun came in and sit by her daughter

"Hey Ga-yeong how are u doing today" gi-hun said and i smack him light on his head

"Ow! Oh ok i'm sorry for being late ok angle" he said and he always call me angel but i smile.

"You know i wanna to buys you a nice dinner" Gi-hun said

"It ok and we went with my stepdad to streakhouse earlier so..." Ga-yeong said

I look at gi-hun face he was mad at her new stepdad but i put my mask down and kiss him on cheek to tell him it will be ok and he blush when i did that but her daughter always happy for me for calm him down

"Hey i brought you a present" he said

Gi-hun gave her a gift but it a pistol gun but i was about to take it but he told her that is was a lighter but she didn't like it but it my turn to give her something so i told to open it and she open.

(Pick which Ga-yeong got for her birthday)

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(Pick which Ga-yeong got for her birthday)

Ga-yeong is really happy and she gave me a hug that she like. We left at the restaurant and take Ga-yeong home so we walk until we get there but her mom show up and pushed me down hard on the ground and cut my hand but i still don't care about but gi-hun saw me and pick me up while he was arguing at his ex wife and Ga-yeong was looking at her mom then run in the apartment then her mom chase her down

We left Ga-yeong home after that incident we were wait run to keep up the train but we miss it then we sit down and wait for the next train but there a guys with a suit

"Hey do you two wan-" he was cut off when gi-hun hold a pistol gun and that guys think that is a real gun but it was lighter gun but gi-hun click the pistol but that guy was relief

"I come from a very long Buddhist so can u go find another guys to preach to.." Gi-hun said

"Would you like to play a game with me" Guy in a suit said

"You people have all kinds of tactics" he said

Guys pull out his brief case and show us 10,000 dollar and show put out the card one is blue n one is red and i think this going to be fun

After while when gi-hun won the slapping people and he got the red n he wanna me to come with him so i nodded yes so he call the phone number. After the person told gi-hun the password red light green light so we were confused that why were the people give us the weird password but we have to go what located they gave us and we wait until there a white van and there were a person with a black n circle mask

"What the password" Person with pinkish color suit

"Um.......Red light Green light" gi-hun said and the van door open and we inside

"So um....Where are we going sir" gi-hun said and person with the mask didn't say anything but there a gas and gi-hun was knocked out but i didn't because i have my mask on but this person grab me and put me a sleep. Everything went black.

Hey everyone i finally got this story done and hope you like see you later



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