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Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S

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Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S

(where i take your interview because i'm curious)

[ please make inline comments against the question you're answering ]

1. Which character(s) do you feel form the main leads of Dil Beparwah?

2. Which character do you like and/or dislike the most?

3. One scene from the book that you might remember forever

4. The character you wish to play if you ever get a chance to

5. Advice you'd like to give to the characters

6. Characters (and scenes) you wish to read about in the bonus chapters

7. Was the transition in the characters realistic and visible?

8. One scene that you wish to change (suggest the change)

9. Did you read the Dil series in order or was Dil Beparwah the first book your read? And if so, were you able to read it as a stand-alone properly?

10. Was Dil Beparwah solely a romance read for you or did the plot hold some substance too?

11. On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate Dil Beparwah?

12. Interested in another #diljannachahega? If yes, send your questions for the characters using this tag (#diljannachahega or #djc) for the interview!

 Interested in another #diljannachahega? If yes, send your questions for the characters using this tag (#diljannachahega or #djc) for the interview!

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A  C  K  N  O  W  L  E  D  G  E  M  E  N  T  S
(+ fun facts ofc)

1. This may or may not come as a surprise, but Dil Beparwah was never supposed to happen. In fact, the journalist in the last chapter of DDH was supposed to be a lanky newbie dude sent by a bigger publishing house tailing Arvika for an interview she would have grudgingly given later, pitying him. I hadn't even given the name of this journo much thought until I sat down to type that chapter. And then, when the name finally came to being, the personality of this journo developed on its own. Honestly, Varun was supposed to be my One-night-stand of a character—I'd have my fun with him in just one scene so it really didn't matter to me what his backstory  or even cover story should be. 

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