The next morning

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I woke up with Dan clung to my back. The memories from last night flooded my brain, making me smile. I just hope we weren't too loud.

"Good morning, beautiful." Dan said, waking up.

"Morning babe. We should get dressed and head downstairs." I said, looking at the clock that read 8:35.

He nodded as I got up, prying myself from his arms and scampering across the room to my dresser. I grabbed a nice outfit and looked over at my still nude boyfriend. Still smiling, I entered the hallway and ran straight to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I sighed and slid on my outfit. It was a dark blue top with a white heart, black skinny jeans, and white converse. I smiled at my appearance as I brushed my hair quickly and left the bathroom.

I walk back into my room to see Dan shirtless with baggy jeans on.

"Hey babe, like what you see?" He said, catching me staring.

"Yes I do, but I need my phone, can you hand it to me?" I asked, pointing to where it was plugged in and fully charged.

"Ya sure, here ya go." He tossed it to me and I chuckled, catching it and left him to finish getting ready.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, seeing everyone already downstairs.

"Morning guys, what's for breakfast?" I asked, jumping up onto the counter, facing Payton and my parents.

"Cereal, here." My dad said, handing me a bowl of frosted flakes.

I ate it in a minute flat and placed it in the sink, smiling with content. Payton called me over and I walked into the livingroom, seeing her point to the computer screen.

"Cat! Look at this assignment I have to do! It's huge, and it's due on Tuesday!" She complained to me, making me roll my eyes.

"Ya, and I already finished it, surprisingly enough. Even though we got it on Friday and it's only sunday..." Dan said, sliding down the stair railing and walking toward us.

"Wow, Dans being an overachiever for once." I giggled, poking his side.

"Yea, yea, whatever." He chuckled.

"Hey guys!" My dad yelled from the kitchen, "we need you guys to get out of the house for a while!"

"Why? We went out yesterday!" I yelled bsck.

"Your mother and I need to clean the house and we need the three noisy kids out of the house for that!"

We all accepted and decided yo go out for a small breakfast at Ihop and then go to the park.

"Okay, we're leaving, see you guys later!"

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