Chapter 22

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*Fives pov kinda inapropriate at the end but heck maybe im just soft*

She just had to go be the hero with Allison. She could be dead by now! Please be okay Yn.

"Hey, can you go any faster?"

I am going as fast as I fucking can ape breath! You are not the only one in a rush to see the love of your life. When I see her I'm going to tell her my feelings. That is if she's alive. Of course, she's alive she's an independent bad bitch. Ape breath, bad bitch? I've spent too much time with Yn and Klaus. Oh, right I need to respond to Luther.

"Ask me again and I'll burn you with a cigarette lighter."

We pull up to the house and we open the door only to see Allison's body bleeding out but where was Yn?

"Allison! No!" Luther

She points at Yn who was under planks of wood and glass. I feel like I'm going to cry. How could I let this happen to them? Klaus had tears in his eyes looking at our sisters as Diego tried to comfort him. I remember once at one of Dad's charity balls Yn had told me that Diego and Klaus would make a cute couple, that was one of the best nights of my life. I drive as fast as possible to the academy Yn had blood coming out her stomach, head, and shoulder while Allison's neck was being held by Luther.

"I don't think she's breathing"

"If we don't get them both upstairs they could die."

We take her to mum and Diego places Yn on a different bed besides Allison.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood. Also, Yn will be fine her body's heat is healing her as we speak."

We all offer to give blood even Yn.

"I'm afraid that's not possible master Luther your blood is more compatible with mine."

"I'll do it." 

"Your blood is to Polluted master Klaus."

"I'll do it."

I look at Yn and step in front of her and Pogo nods agreeing with me that Yn can not lose any more blood.

"Not only have you lost too much blood already but your blood is also too hot for the human body lady Yn."

"I'll do it."

"Stick him."

After Diego got the needle in him and woke back up we all went to the living room. Yn sits down beside Klaus even after I had told her to stay back and get some rest.

"The bastard that nearly killed our sisters is still out there most likely going after Vanya next. We need to go after him."

I thought he loved Yn. So why would he let her die? Yn looks like she wants to say something but her eyes keep fluttering closed. I sit on the couch and let her rest her head on my shoulder as I state my argument.

"Vanya is not important"

"Hey, that's your sister. A little heartless even for you five."

"I'm not saying I don't care about her but if the apocalypse happens today she dies along with the other seven billion of us. Harold Jenkins is the priority."

"I agree let's go and I'm coming too."

I look at Yn who had taken her head off my shoulder. She was not going.

"No, you are not."

Finally something logical comes out of Diegos mouth.

"Yes, I am Diego. You can't stop me."

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"But I can." Yn raises an eyebrow at me but I dont regret saying what I did. Yn scares me when she's mad. "Fine but you will stick beside me the whole time."

"Yay! Come on Klaus."

"You guys count me out. I mean no offense or whatever it's just I feel a lot of pressure for newly sober me."

"You are coming."

"No no no. I mean I think we can all agree that my power is useless. I'd just hold u back."

"Hargreeves taught us how to use weapons and hand to hand combat."

"Yns right so get up."

"You can't make me."

Diego throws a knife at Klaus but Yn catches it leaning over my lap. The things this girl does to me. I just want to grab her throat and fuck her but at the same time all I want to do is dance with her.

"Then again a little exercise couldn't hurt."

We arrive at Harold's house and Yn scoffs. Whether she was annoyed at where she got stitches or at the dead Harold in front of us we will never know.

"It's not exactly what I was expecting."

"Understatement of the year"

"No sign of Vanya."

"Let's get out of here before the cops come."


Yn taps the side of my leg and I understand what she means. I pull out the eyeball and push it into the socket. It's worth a shot.

"Same eye color same pupil size. Guys this is it. The eye I've been carrying around for decades it's found its rightful home"

"We got the guy we need to kill to stop the apocalypse."

"Yay let's go!"

"It can't be this easy. The note from the commission says protect Harold Jenkins."

I look at Yn who looks scared out of her mind. I grab her and spacial jump to the academy causing her to groan and sit down. Every time I grab her I feel butterflies. I regret leaving her, imagine the life we could have lived.

"Shit sorry. I'll look you just stay there."

I get a quick nod and leave. Everytime I open the door a memory of Yn would come to my mind. My siblings meet where Yn is lying down and I smile at her.

"No sign of Vanya."

"She's not in any of the rooms "

"Not downstairs either."

"I'm leaving."

"Where? What about hazel and cha-cha "

"I'm gonna get my things then I'm outta here. I got unfinished business with those fools."

Yn tumbles forward trying to get up Klaus helping her.

"Let me help."


"Don't say no! They dropped a chandelier on me!"

"It's for your own safety."

She nods leaning against Klaus. She must be in pain if she's getting help from others but then again Klaus and her are very close.

"Did dad say anything about the apocalypse when u spoke to him? Any clues."

"No clues excellent shave though. He did mention something about how I barely scratched the surface."

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