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Your wake-sleep cycle told your body to wake up, and you stirred. You ripped the comforter and blankets from Levi, and he muttered. "Damn it, (F/N), quit taking the blankets." Sleepily, you said, "No. I'm cold." He snatched one from you and then replied, "If you're cold, come here." "You come here..." you invited with your eyes still closed. He went underneath your hoard of blankets, and you rolled into his arms.

"You're burning up," he gently said as you snuggled into him. "My head's pounding," you whispered. "I'll make some coffee," he said as he pulled the comforter over you. You whispered, "Don't go, Levi." "(F/N), the sooner you get something for your headache, the sooner you'll feel better," he explained, squeezing you gently.

Then, he got up and put his nightclothes on. You groaned, and he said, "I'm also gonna get some clothes for you. Milk and sugar?" "Mmhmm," you replied before burying your face into a pillow. "Yes, ma'am," he said softly before leaving the room. As soon as you heard the door click, you immediately fell asleep.

Levi went downstairs to the kitchen, and Sasha was cooking breakfast. Once she saw him, she immediately jumped, exclaiming, "Mr. Ackerman! Good morning, sir!" "Morning, Sasha. I'm gonna make some coffee for (F/N). I need a thermometer and medicine," Levi said as he washed his hands. "Is she all right?" Sasha asked as she pulled out a thermometer and Tylenol from the medicine cabinet.

"Fever and headache. I'll take the tray to her," Levi replied. He got out the coffee maker, and Sasha said, "Shit. Well, I'm almost done with breakfast. Come back in five minutes. Everything'll be ready, including the coffee." "Tch. You're bossy today, aren't you?" Levi asked, crossing his arms. She replied, "Of course I am! I like (F/N), sir. If you need to get anything for her, do it now." Levi sighed, "Fine. She wants milk and sugar." Sasha smiled, saying, "I know. Now, get out!"

She pushed Levi out of the kitchen and slammed the door behind him. Levi then went to your room and got some pajamas for you to wear. He got your hairbrush, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Then, he went to his room and saw that you were still asleep. He put your clothes on the bed and the other things on top of his dresser. He felt your forehead, and it was warm. "Shit..." he muttered and quickly went to the kitchen. Sasha handed him a tray containing food, coffee, orange juice, water, a thermometer, and Tylenol.

When he got to the room, you were groaning. You had woken up, and your body wasn't letting you sleep anytime soon. Levi put the tray down on the nightstand, saying, "Oi, (F/N), here." He put your clothes where you could reach them, and you slowly put them on. You felt a bit warmer, and Levi got the coffee and Tylenol. He said, "Take this and drink."

Holding your head, you slowly sat up and sat against the headboard. With a worried expression, he put a pill in your hand. You put it in your mouth and then downed the entire cup of coffee. He took the cup from you, saying, "You're staying in bed." Crossing your arms in mock frustration, you asked, "You're confining me to bed now? I can't go out or do anything, and now I can't even leave the bed?" Gently, he asked, "Please?"

Smiling, you sighed, "Fine, since you said please... That means I don't have to do anything." "Tch. Brat," he replied with a scowl on his face. You squeezed his hand, replying, "If you don't mind." "Tch. I have nothing to do today, brat, so I don't mind at all," he said as he picked up the plate from the tray. He sat closer to you on the bed and said, "Say "ahhh"." "Oi, Levi, I'm not - "

He stuffed your mouth with oatmeal, and you almost choked. "Shut up and eat. When you finished everything, then you can talk," Levi said as he got another spoonful. You put your hands up as you chewed, and then you swallowed and began to cough. "Damn it, Levi, give me a minute," you managed to say between coughs. "What, too much for you?" he asked, and you raised an eyebrow at him. He was smirking, and you took the spoon from him and put it in your mouth. You licked the spoon slowly before giving it back to him, and he asked, "You implying something, (F/N)?"

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You smiled innocently and answered, "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Yes, you do," he replied quickly. "Hey, you started it," you said, giggling. He began, "If you weren't sick - " "You'd make me sore as hell," you said quickly, cutting him off. He leaned close to your ear, whispering, "Yeah, but we both know you'd love it."

He scooped up some more oatmeal and shoveled it in your mouth. You were trying your hardest to not laugh as you chewed, and he was chuckling softly. Your headache was slowly going away, and you were starting to feel a bit better. You finished the whole bowl of oatmeal and drank the orange juice, and you felt like a new person. When you tried to get up, you were pushed down.

Levi growled, "The hell are you going, brat?" "Can you stop calling me brat, Levi? I'm going to the bathroom," you answered quietly. He said, "Fine." He let you get up and you went to the bathroom. The coffee made you have a full bladder. Once you washed your hands and got out, Levi was sitting on the bed, and you bolted for the door. You ran out and you heard Levi yell, "Shit!"

You ran to your room, and you were breathless when you got there. You wanted your phone and a couple of books, and you felt somewhat lightheaded. You were determined not to stay in bed and allow Levi to take care of you all day. You found the books you wanted, and Levi was standing in the doorway. He was undeniably pissed off, and you grabbed your phone off the nightstand. Tired, you sat down against the bed as you tried to catch your breath. As you put your hand to your head, you felt his footsteps as he approached you.

"Oi, that was a stupid move. You should've let me do it, silly," he gently chastised you as he knelt down. "I'm not gonna have you do everything for me today, Levi," you replied as sweat dripped from your face. "I don't mind. Besides, you asked for me to spend time with you, right?" he asked, taking the books and your phone from you. "Yeah, but I feel like I'll overstep and ask you to do a lot," you confessed. He rubbed your head, saying, "Quit thinking that. You hardly ask for anything. So, if you want anything, just ask me." You sighed, "Fine."

He then ordered, "Put your arm around my neck. I'll take you back to bed." "Levi, I can do it," you tried to say. He glared at you, replying, "Bullshit, (F/N). Do as I say." You obeyed, and he picked you up. You didn't fight him, and he carried you back to the room. He put you down on the bed and said, "Stay." You nodded, and he got your stuff and brought it to you. His phone started ringing. "Hold on," he said, looking at you before answering the phone.

You smiled and looked at your phone. One message from Mikasa: "You ready for tomorrow?" You sighed and texted back: "Yeah." Levi put down the phone and said, "Some of the captains are wanting to meet with me tonight." "You're the boss, Levi," you replied, and he picked up the phone. "6:00 PM. Okay." Levi hung up, and your phone buzzed.

Mikasa asked: "How are you and Levi doing?" You answered: "Good. I'm sick, and he's being Levi. Isn't he supposed to be a clean freak?" "Oi, who are you talking to, sweetheart?" he asked. You replied, "Mikasa. She's asking how we're doing." Your phone buzzed, and you looked at it.

Mikasa asked: "Yeah, what about it?" You replied to her: "He's been around me all morning. He's determined to make me stay in bed and take care of me." You asked Levi, "Can I ask what they wanna meet with you about?" "Business," he said. "Can I join in?" you asked. "No. You're sick. I'll call Erwin," Levi said as he glared at you. "Levi, let me join in. I can stay on the couch and watch you and Erwin," you replied calmly. "Tch. Fine," he muttered.

Your phone buzzed, and you read Mikasa's message: "Did you break him lol". You looked at him, and you sent her: "Not sure. Maybe I did hahaha". Levi took your phone from you, and you yelled, "Hey! Give it back!" He read your messages and raised an eyebrow at you. You looked a bit nervous, and he said, "Just because I'm a clean freak doesn't mean that I'm afraid of getting sick from you." Playfully, you said, "Prove it." He locked the door and climbed into bed with you, replying, "Just don't puke on me, got it?" "Yes, sir," you said as you giggled.

Mafia Boss (Levi Ackerman x Reader) | AUWhere stories live. Discover now