The next day
I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear. I groaned and pressed the stop button.
I checked my phone and noticed that my post had gotten a bunch of likes and loads of positive comments which surprised me but made me feel pleased too.
I started looking through my wardrobe and chose what to wear.
I went downstairs and saw a note pinned on the fridge
"I'll be gone for around a week maybe more. There's money on the counter top so make sure to go shopping. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone and NO PARTY'S!"
She's not here and is still trying to control me, she really doesn't know me at all.
I made some toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast before packing my school bag and heading to catch the bus.
As per usual I sat on my own listening to music, not because people didn't want to sit next to me (they probably didn't anyway) but because i always had my bag on the other seat and Lyn's mom always drove her to school. I don't like people. They annoy me.
I hoped of the bus and met Lyn at the gate
"Hey Y/N, hows it going" She asked
"Alright. My mum's gonna be out for a few days, wanna come round after school?"
"Sure! sounds fun"
"Who do we have here?" Someone asked
I turned around to see the one and only, Jeremy Harvey.
He's an asshole
Tries to get with all the girls that interest him and bully the ones who don't.
If you hadn't already guessed I'm one of the ones he doesn't like
He's constantly annoying Lyn and I, punching us, publicly humiliating us etc. I hate him so much.
I know I said that people know not to mess with me but Jeremy hasn't quite gotten that yet.
"For once could you not be a jerk?" I ask
"No I'm good." He pushes me out the way and looks at Marilyn
She's not the most confident girl you'll ever meet. To sum her up. she's a nerdy girl who likes to hang around in the background butt when she's with her friends (me) she shows her true colours and is actually a lot stronger than you think. However at school she would never dare to show that side.
"Hey there bookworm!" He has the worst nicknames that I can only guess are supposed to be insults but they really don't come across that way.
"Please leave me alone" She whimpered
He got closer to her and slapped her school books out of her small hands
"Ok that's it, back of jackass" I hit Jeremy's arm
He turned to look at me
"Can't you see I'm busy?!"
"I can see your busy being a dick but that's about it"
He lifted his arm and was about to slap me in the face but I caught his hand. He looked at me confused and shocked
"Leave us alone or you won't be waking up tomorrow morning" I whispered and let go of his arm.
He looked at me, then Marilyn and started walking away hastily but clearly mad.
"That was AMAZING!" Lyn ran up to me
"Why thank you"
"He was so scared!"
We continued talking and went to our first classes.
After having some really boring lessons it was time for lunch.
Lyn and I met and headed straight to the queue.
I looked at today's option in disgust:
Undercooked sausage and runny mash
Meat cooked in oil for a lifetime.
Mac and Cheese that looked more like sick than anything
I went with the weird meat and hoped for the best
Walking over to the desert section I stared and. the terrible options:
Sponge and custard - you could see the layers forming on top.
Rice pudding with jam - it literally looked like frog spawn
I got the sponge and custard hoping I could peel the skin off.
We went and sat down. Halfway through trying to eat my mac and cheese without throwing up I saw Jeremy with 2 of his"friends" following
"Here we go again" I told myself
"Did you really think you could get away with. what you did?" Jeremy asked leaning forward on the table.
"What, making you. look like an idiot? No I didn't actually but the look on your face was so worth it---"
As I was talking he slapped me right across the face. I heard Marilyn make a shocked sound and her hands went to. cover her open mouth.
"What you looking at bookworm? Waiting for your turn? Don't worry it'll come soon. I've just got to deal with miss sarcasm over here." Jeremy said - again with the dumb nicknames! I think they annoy me more than him slapping me.
One of Jeremy's friends walked up to Lyn and shoved their 2 first fingers into her rice pudding and smeared it across her face. I could see that she was on the verge of crying but at the same time I could see her true self peering through. She was really mad.
"Bye bye girls, see you tomorrow!" Jeremy waved and left with his mates.
We ended up not talking about what happened until after school.
Finished Chapter 2! - El 👻🎃

That Halloween
HorrorHalloween is the spookiest night of the year. Everyone dressed in scary costumes and eating sweets, surely nothing could go wrong? Could it? An x reader story about a series of murders. Ideas taken from a bunch of films such as 'Scream' and 'Fear St...