Chapter 16

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At the end of Eli's story, everyone was surprised.

Lorenzo noticed Eli's distress and came up to him and hugged him making Eli start bawling in his chest.

"It's my fault I should have done something earlier," he cried out making Lorenzo pull away and cup his face in his hands.

"Son this is not your fault you were young and you wouldn't have been able to do anything," he explained to him calmly.

"B-but," Eli tried to protest.

"No buts it's not your fault okay?" Lorenzo said in a firm tone.

"Okay," Eli gave in but part of him still thought it was his fault.

"Felix, you were there right, can you tell us exactly what happened?" Lorenzo asked the boy looked very worried for the girl. Felix nodded and told them the whole story from third period to where Angelo left with her.

By the end of his story, they were either shocked or angry.

Shocked because they didn't realize that she didn't feel well.

Angry at themselves for not noticing it before.

They all sat in silence for a few more minutes to think about her when Azaria came into the room.

"Okay she just got out of surgery and she is awake so if you guys want to see her she's in room 127 which is right down the C hall, I would say be careful because she knows that you guys know," she warned them before leaving the room.

One look from Lorenzo and everyone knew what he wanted. He and his boys walked to the end of C hall until they found her room.

They opened the room to see some nurses adjusting her and her just staring into the distance.

"I assume you guys know if I went into surgery," she said not even sparing them a glance.

"Not the full story, we would rather hear that from you," Lorenzo said taking a seat next to his daughter as the other boys spread themselves around the room.

She realized that it was time to tell someone. This was her family, these were people she could trust.

"You guys can tell the other to come in, I would rather say the story once," she said, her eyes deep in thought.

Lorenzo nodded at Dante, who came back a bit before, to go get the rest of them. After a few seconds, the whole family plus close friends were here.

She knew she had to start so she took a deep breath and started talking, "I'm assuming you guys want it from the beginning so I was taking from you guys when I was 5 during the middle of the night as you all know. Sasha was rude, she hated me ever since I was born, she adored her sons though, she thought that all the attention was off her and she hated me for 'stealing' all of you guys. So she wanted to give me away but she fell in love with another person. James, my stepfather, was cruel and vile. He changed her completely because before she would only yell at me which affected me mentally but when he came it affected me physically. Any small little mistake I made I would get hit for it. I would get punched, whipped, anything you name it. They would bring their friends over too and they were just as bad as Sasha and James. It went on for 10 years until they died and I moved in with you guys," she finished, looking down not wanting to see their reaction.

It was quiet, everyone was either shocked or angry. The tense air in the room could have been cut with a knife.

Alessandro on the other hand was on the verge of having a panic attack. His emotions were jumbled up in him and he couldn't breathe. He didn't know how to express them all at once.

Rafael, who was sitting next to him, could hear his ragged breathing and turned his head to look at him. He saw Alessandro struggling to get the air out of his lungs. He immediately crouched down in front of him and took Alessandro's hands in his hands.

"Hey bud try breathing with me, In and Out, you can do that right?" Rafael said trying not to show his panic to his little brother.

"In...out," Rafael said as he did it with Alessandro.

"In....out," he continued. But it wasn't working.

"S-Still.....c-can't," Alessandro choked out. This caught Alessandra's attention.

She carefully got out of her bed and was taking slow steps towards her twin. Her IV ripped out but she didn't care. All she cared about was making sure her brother can breathe.

All of her family protests fell deaf to her ear, the only thing important to her right now was her twin.

She finally reached him and crouched down in front of him and she took his hands from Rafael's hands.

"Hey Ales, focus on my voice okay, only my voice," she instructed him in a soft voice making him nod.

"Can you name me 5 things you can see?" she told the shaking boy.

"Um y-you, R-raf, my w-watch, t-the bed-d, and the window," he managed to choke out.

"Okay you're doing great, can you name me 4 things you can touch?" she asked him, her calm state being maintained.

"Your h-hands, um the c-chair, t-the bracelet on y-your arm, and the f-floor," he answered as his tears starts to stop fall.

"Amazing, now can you name me 3 things you can hear?"

"the ac, t-the birds, and y-your voice," he responded his shaking slowly stopping.

"Awesome, can you name me 2 things you can smell?" she said with a small smile.

"Um the hospital and my cologne," he was able to say without stuttering.

"Okay last one, can you name me something you can taste?" she encouraged.

"The weird apple Daniel told me to eat in 1st period," he answered with a disgusted face making everyone in the room chuckle.

"You did amazing twinny," she said as we lifted her left hand to ruffle his hair. Before she could she saw the blood flowing out of her vein.

"Heh oops," she said meekly as she lifted her left arm. Adriano quickly came over and pressed a gauze he had to her arm before leading her back to her bed and putting her IV back in.

"How'd you know how to do that?" Adriano asked her as Alessandro came and sat next to Alessandra hugging her to his chest.

"Experience," she responded shrugging casually.

"Gurl you are saying that as it is normal," Daniel responded making Alessandra shrug again.

"I have a question," Giovanni asked. This question wouldn't leave him alone, it was bugging him too much.

"Ask away," she responded.

"Did they ever like t-touch you?" he stuttered out.

Alessandra looked down, "Yea," she said in a small voice making all the men's fists tighten.

"Did they ever," Adam said taking a deep breath before speaking in a small voice, "r-rape you?" Alessandra's breath was caught before she responded.



Sorry I had to rewrite this chapter cause it was deleted for some reason and now it's kinda short so I'm sorry bout that.

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