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SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. Living in the Earth Kingdom is like the survival of the fittest, you'll have to be willing to do anything to get by. Ruan knew that first hand, it didn't matter what people called him, he would lie and cheat his way out of a situation just to stay alive.

And what people fail to realize is that the world isn't just black or white, everyone did immoral things every once in a while, but what makes Ruan's job so bad. Maybe it was the fact that he was working with the "enemy" or maybe because he was brave enough to be willing to do whatever it takes to make sure him and his mother can breathe easy.

But there always had to be others who made his life difficult. Ruan was sitting on the side of a busy road, trying to sell some of the coal his mother mined. Due to his reputation, many people refused to buy coal from him but there were a few desperate people as well as tourist who didn't mind. He didn't care, what he was more worried about was what he could find out by sitting there and observing the people around him.

If anyone even peeped a word about earth bending, Ruan's ears would perk up like a platypus bear. But his people watching was cut short when he felt a pebble hit the side of his head. He looked over to see the same group of boys that passed him everyday, they came around like clockwork. The only reason Ruan recognized them was because it was the same strange sight.

The first one, who was the tallest, was skinny and had noticeable pale green eyes, which was uncommon for most Earth Kingdom citizens. The second one was tall as well but he was stubbier than the other kid and always had his hair cut short. And the third one was the shortest, he always walked past with a bruise, cut or bloody nose and his darker toned skin contrasted the other two.

Ruan didn't know them but he has seen them long enough to give them each a nickname based on their features. He called the tallest one, pale green; the stubby one was called buzzcut, and the shortest was referred to as shorty.

They never bothered him, the most they would ever do was glance at him and continue on their merry way but today it seemed like pale green had a bone to pick with him.

He stood there with a hand full of pebbles in his hand, glaring at Ruan. Buzzcut stood beside pale green with his arms crossed and a matching glare on his face, while shorty stood there not even paying attention to his friends holding a red stained cloth to his cheek.

"I just did some earth bending, you gonna report me limpy," pale green threw another pebble but this time it hit Ruan in the middle of his forehead. Ruan wiped the stray dirt that lingered on his forehead, "You want me to report you for throwing a rock at me? Are you that desperate to leave this village."

Buzzcut kicked Ruan's basket of ores out of the way and grabbed Ruan by the front of his robes holding him up. "We know you reported Hu's sister for being an earth bender so stop playing around, everyone says you're a snitch." Ruan grabbed buzzcut's hand to detach it from his robes, "Didn't take you for the type of person who believes rumors, I don't know 'Hu's' sister." He said while smoothing out his clothes even though they weren't wrinkled.

Ruan was grabbed again but this time by both pale green and buzzcut, he sighed wishing they would just leave him alone. "Hey Karma, use your bending and rough him up!" Pale green said loudly before chuckling with buzzcut. Shorty looked up at his friends and Ruan for the first time, he took the cloth away from his cheek to reveal a shallow cut.

Shorty's face twisted in confusion, he began to pull on the side of his right ear lobe which Ruan assumed was a sign of discomfort. "You guys are being super lame." His voice was loud and bold as if he knew what he was saying was correct.

Pale green and buzzcut seemed to be unaffected by the statement and continued to try and egg shorty on. "Come on Karma it's not a big deal, he's disabled it's not like he can do anything," Pale green said. "My mom is disabled too asshole." Shorty squinted his eyes as if he was annoyed at by friend's comment.

That seemed to make pale green stiffen, "That's not the same thing," pale green said shifting uncomfortably. "Yes it is," then Karma repeated his previous statement as if it was like clockwork, "You guys are being super lame right now."

"He deserves it!" Buzzcut says as if he was trying to defend pale green. Karma shrugged, "He didn't do anything to me." Pale green and buzzcut let go of Ruan in annoyance, "whatever," pale green stomped away from the situation with buzzcut following close behind him.

Ruan sighed once again before bending down to pick up his basket and the ores that was kicked over. He looked up and noticed that shorty was still standing there looking at him. Ruan was going to ask him what he was doing just standing there but then he remembered pale green mention that he was a bender.

"It's good you didn't use your earth bending to hurt me, I didn't do anything to your friends." Ruan noticed how his eyes lit up when he mentioned bending. Shorty lips turned upwards a little and he rushed to squat down and help Ruan put the ores back in the basket, "My earth bending isn't that good so I probably would of used air bending! Oh but don't tell anyone I told you that, my mom said I shouldn't talk about it."

Ruan raised his eyebrows in interest, "You can bend two elements? That's cool, you're really special you know that." Despite the proud smile the boy wore, all Ruan could think about was the amount of money he would get for reporting a dual bender. It was the first one he's ever heard of so he hoped that he would be greatly rewarded.

"Yeah I know, anyways I have to go home bye coal man!" Karma began to run in the same direction as his friends, waving happily at Ruan, completely forgetting that he started helping him with his ores.

Ruan thought Karma was a good kid, too bad he lied to him on multiple occasions. He did report pale green, or Hu's sister, he saw her earth bending while he was out running errands for his mother. He told her he wasn't going to say anything but she foolishly believed him. Ruan didn't keep his word, he never did. The only reason he remembered her was because she had the same eyes as her brother, a pale green color.

Thirty minutes after the trio left, water tribe soldiers came around just as Ruan finished picking up the ores that were once on the ground. One of them picked up a hand full of ores before glancing up at Ruan and handing him a couple Earth Kingdom coins, "You have anything for us today?" He mumbled.

Ruan looked around to make sure no one was looking before turning back to face the soldiers, "yes."


╰┈➤ okayyy so first chapter, I hope you guys like it and i'll try to introduce more characters soon but for now it would be many because the first two or three chapters are like fillers that lead up to karma being discovered as the avatar.

╰┈➤ i know i said i was gonna wait but this isn't much, i will really have trouble introducing characters once these filler chapters are finished

╰┈➤ i'll do check in questions to make sure everyone is active and if you don't answer the check in (i can understand if you have something going on just let me know) and if you don't comment then i'm probably gonna remove or kill off your oc.

╰┈➤ check in question: if your oc was in modern times, what would their clothing style be like?

╰┈➤ my answer: casual baggy clothes, he probably would dress trendy he would just like to be comfortable.


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