39- out

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y/n wanted out of the house to distract her mind from what happened and from the pain she was in, understandably so.

so i booked her, scorp and i a fun, family day out, i offered mum if she wanted to come, but she was tending to the garden for the changing seasons.

mother always had so much pride in her range of flowers and plants.

our first stop was the manor, y/n wanted to see mum and have a hug, mum hadn't seen her in a while.

my heart was still broke for her, it was still hurting her to walk, even a good few weeks later, but she was so strong.

i was so proud of her, she would never let it get the better of her, she was a warrior.

scorp was sat on my lap on mums couch, eating a packet of crisps, y/n was next to mum with her head on mums shoulder.

mum had her arm wrapped around her, my phone started ringing.

the signal in the living room was like a dogs arse, so i decided to get up and go to the front door.

"um hello?" i say answering, "is this mr malfoy?" a voice said, "yes this is him"

the voice cleared their throat, "your wife's court case will be next week, we've managed to detain adrien pucey, he escaped the first two times" i sigh, "okay thank you" i reply, hanging up.

i'm not telling y/n until we go home, i want today to be fun for her.

"everything okay love?" y/n asked as i sat back down, i nod and smile, picking up scorp and sitting him on my shoulders.

he giggled and sat his hands in my hair as i tickled his feet.

i turn to the side and kiss his leg gently, "we're gonna have to get going mum, our reservation is soon" i say, mum stood up and gave y/n another hug, then me and scorp.

we headed out of the manor and walked to the car, i strapped scorpius into his chair, "daddy can i watch youtube?" he asked, i reach into my back pocket for my phone.

y/n pulled my hand and sat my phone in it, "you left it on the couch darling" she said, i kissed her quickly and give scorp my phone after opening youtube.

y/n sat in the passenger side and i go into the drivers seat.

i had booked us into a restaurant and then i'm taking the two of them shopping, then, i'll have to tell y/n that the court case is next week.

she looked so happy for the first time in a few weeks and i didn't want to make her feel bad again, i shake away my thoughts and start driving.

ever since the incident, it breaks my heart to think about it, y/n hasn't been eating as often as she used to, but she'd still eat enough for the babies, but not enough to keep her content.

the restaurants location meant we were going to have to drive past the three broomsticks, well one of their locations, they expanded.

y/n noticed and looked down at the floor of the car, i reach over and hold her hand, "you're okay" i whisper, in order to not scare scorp, he didn't know what happened.

she brought my hand up to her face and held it at her mouth, underneath her nose so she could get a waft of my aftershave to calm her down.

"mummy are you okay..?" scorp asked, looking to see y/n stressed and panicked, i quickly came up with an excuse, "the babies are causing her pain bud, she'll be okay" i respond.

she mumbled "thank you" into my hand, for not making her speak, i squeeze her hand to show that i got what she had said.

we eventually pulled into the restaurant, and y/n had calmed down.

"i have a table for three, under the name malfoy" i smiled, the waitress nodded and grabbed menus for us and she led us to our table.

"can i get chocolate milk?" scorpius asked, y/n and i laugh, "yes you can scorp" y/n said happily, he clapped his hands.

i sat my hand on y/n's stomach, wanting to feel the babies again, which i did, i smiled as i felt a tiny foot press up against my hand. "these two are going to be little angels" i say softly.


scorpius had insisted that we bought him more chocolate milk, and now he was carrying it about in his favourite cup.

we were in a shop and y/n was picking out some more maternity wear, she was growing everyday.

my jaw dropped, "you look so good baby" i smiled, she had tried on a brown sugar coloured dress and it made her look amazing.

scorp was sat on my lap drinking his chocolate milk, he was fucking addicted.

"please let me buy you that bag" i pleaded, she had seen a bag she loved but put it back after seeing the price.

she huffed, "it was so expensive love" she retorts, "come on scorp, we're going to get mummy a new bag" i say, picking him up in a piggy back ride.

y/n didn't have any time to argue back and i giggled as i walked away and over to the bag, she deserved it.

i bought it and walked back over to her, she was done and had everything she was going to buy in one pile and everything else in another.

"baby you didn't have to" she whined, hugging me as i handed her the bag, i smiled and kissed the top of her head, "i know but i wanted to" i say.

she giggled into my chest and we went over to the cash desks and payed for the rest of y/n's items.

now was the part of the day i was dreading.

once we arrived home, i was going to have to tell her.

because of this, the car journey went in quickly, i can't tell if i was thankful or not.

"are you okay my love?" y/n asked, noticing how i was pacing about in the kitchen, i sigh and tell her to sit in the living room with me.

"well, i got a phone call when we were at mums as you would have seen" i start, taking in a deep breath, "it was the police officers, the court case is gonna be next week" i finish.

i watch as the light from her eyes dropped and they filled up, "i don't want to see him again!" she said, bursting out in tears, i pull her into my chest and run my fingers through my hair.

"i know you don't, i don't either, he's not getting away with this though okay?" i state, she looked up at me, "promise he won't hurt me again?" she sobbed.

my heart was shattered, "i promise, baby he's not going to do anything ever again" i promise, i meant it.

i wouldn't let anything happen to her ever again.

word count- 1232


i went shopping yesterday, but it was traumatic, i seen something i wish i didn't.

lots of love,
molly xoxo

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