Chapter 8 - Schemes and Campaigning

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(A/N: Okay so I managed to have a midterm be pushed back giving me the edge to relax a bit. Now that I'm done with my psych assignments I have more free time. But let me say this Deep insanity: Lost Child is an interesting anime, give it a shot.)

Sakayanagi POV

"Hime, got any ideas for how to get people that we could use on team day?"

After class finished everyone started to head to their outside school lives. I stayed in class for a bit while making sure the people I need stay in class.

"I do have some but I don't know if they're going to work against Ayanokoji-kun."

"Did you really have us stay to joke around?"

"Fufu masaka, although that was quite a rather sharp tone from you Masumi-san. It hurts my fragile little heart even more than it is."

"Tch." Masumi-san clicked her tongue to my response. 'This loli really gets on my nerves sometimes.'

But it's not like I'm joking in reality anyways. I could come up with a lot of logical and great plans to use against him. The only way to wonder if it'll actually be enough to beat him is when this is a commanding game different from last year's. It'll be tough for him to gain control of his class thanks to them being idiots but not impossible at all.

"Let's see for now I want to make some meetings for tomorrow with two important people who would be viable assets for this exam."

"That's more like it princess so how do you want to contact these people?"

"Well one of them I'll just give them a call but the other one. Kito I want you to make contact with one of their classmates and have them hand if the message."

Saying the first part Kito nodded even if he doesn't talk that doesn't mean it affects our class communications. If by the time he does talk it'll most likely be something worth immediate danger although I am curious why his voice sounds like.

"Hashimoto you have multiple contacts of first years and second years. Or at least know who they are to make contact with?"

"I do but how exactly is this going to be a part of your end game?"

"You'll see in due time but it's great that you do. Then today I want you to find someone from the first years and make contact with for a meeting today."

"Not a big problem who do you want me to make contact with?"

"I want you to make contact with ____. When you do tell them it'll benefit as well towards a goal they might have."

Of course, I can't be certain but if I'm correct that person will have some information they can give me. This is what I've gathered from their past behavior up to this date. If gore well it will be useful for negotiations the next day.

"Is that all or do you have some other work you're going to make us do?"

"Since you brought it up Masumi-san you could be in charge of being a stalker again."

"Why me again?"

"That's cause you decided to bring it up plus you didn't mind it that much when you went to his room."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Hashimoto I want you and some other people to monitor the first years movement as well. I want to know if by any chance Ayanokoji-kun tries to contact them."

"Sure I'll be on it princess I'll report back to you if I see anything unusual."

Ayanokoji-kun might contact the first years but it's also not certain. This way I could know if he did and make changes to my plans and strategies depending on what happens. This is getting exciting I can't wait until the actual match day to beat him in a rematch.

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