Chapter 22

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She's wrong.

I do want her; more than I've ever wanted anyone. And the more I'm around her the more I crave her.

She's definitely the strangest woman I've ever known. And last night I found out she talks to herself in a certifiable kind of way, but I think it's a coping thing for her. Still, it was interesting to hear her so unguarded, without the usual sarcasm she hides behind.

She talks in her sleep, too. Well, more like mumbles. I moved the pillows to watch her and then I laid my head on her. I don't know why I did it, but listening to her steady heart beat gave me a sense of peace I haven't had in a long time. And then a memory flashed in my mind of my mom and me as a child.

"Come here, Federico, figlio mio." Mamma holds her hands out to me and I climb up on her lap. She wraps me tight in her arms; my head up against her chest. (My son)

"Do you hear my heart?"

"Yes, mamma."

"Do you know you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside?"

I grin and her eyes smile back at me. "Really?"

"Yes, amore mio. What does it sound like to you?" She runs her fingers through my hair; it feels nice. (My love)

"It sounds like home."

She lifts my head away from her and smiles as she cups my face in her warm hands. "One day when you are older, you will find a special woman, and her heart will sound like home to you, too. And when you find her, you must treat her like the Queen she will be to you and always protect her."

"But girls are gross."

Mamma laughs and I smile, her laugh is pretty. "Not all of them, Rico. I'm not gross am I?" She raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head and give her a tight hug. "No, mamma, you're not."

"There's a difference between women and girls, Rico. Remember that."

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me from my usual lack of sleep but now that it's happened for a third time, I definitely know I sleep better when Elenora's around and I don't know what to make of it.

I've never slept with anyone in the literal sense of the word, but I never wanted to before her, either.

Hearing her say nice things about me when she thought I was sleeping brought the most ridiculous smile on my face and I was thankful for the darkness of the room.

The door to the bathroom opens and she walks out taking my breath away in an off the shoulder sweater and tight washout jeans with knee length boots. Her long dark brown hair is down in big waves.

"Thanks for the clothes and shoes; the jeans are a little tighter than I'd like but they're...nice. And out of everything you got there were no bras or panties."

"I can see you're going boobmando, and I don't mind one bit." I smirk walking towards her as she crosses her arms over herself. I mentally kick myself from saying anything while I could have enjoyed the view longer. "And I figured you'd keep my underwear, but I'm impressed you ditched them. I'll have some ordered for you."

"No need, because I have clothes at my apartment." She gives me a tight smile as she walks past me but I hold her back.

"You're coming back tonight, right?" My fingers graze along her beautiful face and I watch her mouth part as her irresistible soft brown eyes meet mine. I lean in and brush my lips on hers and try to control myself at the soft sigh that passes through her sweet lips.

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