My mouse cursor went to click 'Disconnect', My hesitation and sadness quickly turned to anger when I found the button was grayed out. I couldn't exit! Now 303 was breaking our deal!?!
I exited the menu and said, as calmly as I could muster, "Why are you breaking our deal!? I can't disconnect!" He quickly messaged, "W-what!? No! I'm not doing that!" I replied, dumbfounded, "But... You're the only one..?" My reply was cut off by lightning striking my character. It didn't do any damage, it just confused me.
I tried to look around, only to find I was stuck facing towards 303. He was looking above, to the right, and behind me. There was only one person it could be, but it still genuinely shocked me when Herobrine landed next to 303.
He stared at me, making me slightly uncomfortable considering I couldn't look away. I muttered, "Why are you doing this? We had a deal." At this point, I was fearing for my account, channel, and computer. If they both turned against me, I'd be done for. Toast. Not even a fraction of a chance to survive the onslaught of attacks that would batter my character.
Herobrine broke the tense moments of staring, stating, "You're right. We had a deal..." That didn't sound good. I tensed up, even more, waiting for the next message. It popped up after what seemed like hours, though in reality, it was maybe 20 seconds.
It said, "You're right that we haven't been much of a team. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I didn't want to tell you what was going on, which yes, was dumb because you wouldn't be able to help. So... I'll start by explaining what's happening, and what we truly need your help with."
The Hero Of Minecraft: Book 1: Shadows And Lightning
FanfictionHello and Welcome! I'm the Chameleon. This story tells the experience I had while filming a new series I was recording. It was supposed to be a Survival Let's Play... but it turned out to be a lot more interesting than originally intentioned. Now, I...