Episode 4: Explosive Battle! Monoceros VS Belial!!

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*Mitsuki had no idea in the world where Bell was so he kept looking and he eventually ran into Basara once again*

Mitsuki: Oi, Basara!

*Basara jumps a bit and looks back towards Mitsuki who smiled and waved at him*

Basara: Oh it's you.. what is it?

Mitsuki: Have you seen Bell anywhere?

Basara: He's probably off training somewhere, i don't know exactly where he is though. I'd be careful though.. knowing him, he's probably set up a few pranks around the arena.

Mitsuki: Ah i see, well i'll keep that in mind.

*Mitsuki keeps looking. As he kept searching, he hears bickering coming from one of the rooms and he peeks through the door to see Rashad talking with Bell Daikokuten! After a bit, Rashad eventually leaves and Bell was all alone, Mitsuki takes his chance and went in! Bell looks over and saw Mitsuki as he jumped to his feet*

Mitsuki: He's.. so incredibly short..!

Bell: Who are you?!

Mitsuki: I am Mitsuki Sakara. I've been longing for the day where i finally get to battle with you.

*Bell lets out a big laugh as he crosses his arms*

Bell: A battle with me? Don't be serious, there's no way i'd face a newbie like you!

*Mitsuki held up his DB bey as Bell stared at it in a bit of surprise*

Bell: A Dynamite Battle bey? How?!

Mitsuki: Ya know, i saw your battle with Basara, Lui, Ranzo and Valt! Because of you, i made Monoceros in order to defeat you once and for all!

*Bell laughs even more as he held up his Dynamite Bey as well: Dynamite Belial!*

Bell: Alright then, i'll take you on but i warn you.. you're gonna feel the true wrath of the Demon King!!

Mitsuki: Dynamite Belial.. This is the bey that lost so badly to Free De La Hoyas Vanish Fafnir, however Free is on a whole nother level of power compared to Bell so maybe he is a bit more than meets the eye.

*Both bladers take positions and the battle began*

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*Both beys land in the stadium and Monoceros took the center in Low Mode Defense Mode as Belial circled around the stadium at full speed*

Bell: Get in there with Venture Shoot!!

*Belial tilts on the rubber of its Venture driver and rushes in and begins to unleash a fierce barrage of attacks on Monoceros*

Mitsuki: You've got this Monoceros, keep defending against his attacks!!

*Monoceros gets blown back as it climbs the stadium slope and it comes rushing back down for the blow*

Mitsuki: Now sparkle! Star Cannon!!

Bell: Ignite and Explode! Dynamite Bomber!!

*Both beys collide and they go flying out of the stadium at the same time, it was a draw*

Mitsuki: Who was it?!

Bell: A Draw..

*Mitsuki gasped a bit as he looked down at his bey as his eyes widened a bit*

Mitsuki: A draw you say.. well then.

*Both bladers pick up their bey and Bell started laughing once again*

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